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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Boyfriends House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Well my first time was at my boyfriends house:). To understand you need to know how big of an asshole Brandon really is.. He`s dumped me a BUNCh of times then decided he wants me back about a week later. Well he dumped me, and about 20 days later on marchbreak i get a call from his friend Scott asking me to come over to Brandons to watch a few movies. After arguing with Scott for awhile a finally said yes.. So Jack and his dad came to get me. (Im friends with a buch of guys, casue I have like no girlfriens casue girls are just to much drama.) So we`re dring to Brandons and Jack and me are in the backseat.. He TRIED to start touching me, and I said “Kidd, your my BESTFRIEND we`re not doing ANYTHING AT ALL with eachother ever..” which upsetted him ofcourse but he got over it and called one of his MANY hoes ;). So we had to stop to pick up one of Jacks hoes, then we got to Brandons. When I got to the basement we all just kind of hung out for a bit and I put some music on (BROKENCYDE(L)) And ofcourse around a 11pm we were all to drunk to go home accept for Jacks hoe who appently dosent drink so she left. So the four of us just sat around talking about stuff. Ans then we started playing Truth Or Dare.. I was always picking dare so that I did`nt have to answer this one question that I knew would come up about Brandon. So after getting dared 6 times to suck Scotts dick I finally said truth and Jack asked me if I still had feelings for Brandon . I said “Yes,” with a very shy face. After about ten minutes Brandon got asked the same question about me. He said Yes. So within about 20min we were cuddling on the couch. I took a liitle nap with him holding me. When I woke up I heard them talking so I just pretended to Be asleep.. They were talking about me. Jack was saying what a nice body I had. And Scott was wondering if my bush was blonde like my hair. PFFT I dont have a bush I shave that shit. But anyways they continued talking and Brandon said some really sweet things. Jack asked him if he had fucked me yet and Brandon said “Nahh, I want her first time to be special.. not like mine.” About 10min later I decided to open my eyes. brandon leaned down annf gave me a little kiss. I had sobered up quite a bit and he had hardley drank only like 1 and half beers. So he asked me if I wanted to go to bed and I nodded. He told me to go to his room and that he`d come up in a few minutes. I went upstairs and layed in his bed he came in and stripped down to his boxers. I stiil had my tank top and thong on. As soon as he got in the bed we started making out. Some heavy petting he fingered me and I came. I went done to give him head. (He`s a BIG muscular guy mucch bigger than me im like 5’6 and he`s almost 6′ he has nice blonde hair and blue eyes) While I gave him head he growled in pleasure. He blew his load in my mouth and I swallowed it all 🙂 . He pulled me up and kissed me and I said ” I heard what you said about my first time being special” I kissed his neck. ” Im ready…” I said with a smile on my face. “Are you sure? Thats a big decsion Chantel, I dont want to hurt you at all,and I dont want to get you pregnaut.” I told him to use a condom. He reached over to his night stand and got one out. (His dick is 8 inches) He put me under him and put his condom on. He looked at me one more time and said “If you want to stop and anytime just say so.” He started to put it in. My Eyes imdieatly beagan to tear up . It hurt BADD !:- He stopped when it was all in and let me get usedto the size. After afew minutes it didnt hurt and i started to move my hips alittle bit. He started thrusting slowly at first the gradually began to speed up . I was moaning really loud and I could hear Jack And Scott maknig woo noises from outside. He made me come alot of time before he came. When he came he pushed his dick in me like he was trying to shoot off deep inside. He pulled out anf out his arms around me. He kissed my neck light and told me loved me. I nuzzled my way into his chest and fell asleep. My first time was amazing! Me and Brandon have sex regularley and hes truley amazed that i can fit all of him in my pussy.

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