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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: in a truck on grassy mountain
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well this is how it happened.FIRST OF ALL,Me and some people from town were all at the park and me and the guy that kept wanting to bone me.Decided that we were going to go for a little ride.When he asked me to go I said sure I’ll give you the ride of your life!Then we left for the mountains.On the way we were all over each other.Finally he couldn’t handle it any more.He pulled over and started tearing my clothes off.Then he gave me a wierd look.We started kissing again then he went downward past my belly.When he was ready to stick it in me he started coughing and he looked alittle pale in the face.He started yelling at me,he said”god how the fk do you expect me to even finish doing what I brought you up here to do?”,”how long has it been since you washed that scanky ass smelling thang! Then he rolled his windows down. I wasn’t embarressed though because I’m just one of the small town hoes.And I like to make other people’s lives a living HELL. all the people thats ever fooled around with me just did it because they were horny dogs that are just as bad as me {{{{{{{{EXCEPT (JB)BECAUSE HE IS THE SWEETEST MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON ANYONE COULD EVER MEET.from someone other than shorty}}}}}}} When he dropped me off at Mcdonalds I noticed that I had cum all over my pants.Everyone laughed at me. The next day the whole town knew what he had said about me. oh yeah I need to cut my nasty ass hair too!!!!!!!I stink to bad for any one to enjoy me! By anonymous:

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