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Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: His Place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

We were going to bed and we just in to this big argument about something and I was just saying shut up to my self and go to bed. Then I said I’m going to sleep on the couch.And he said fine and I went downstairs and went to bed. Then he came down saying he’s sorry and said come back up and go to bed with me. I said no and he got mad and smacked me on my ass and went upstairs I called him a name which I’m not going to say. Later in the middle of the night I woke up and saw I was in bed with him wrapped around me. I said get up and I asked why am I sleeping in here and he said I didn’t look to okay on the cpuch. I then got out and grabed the pillow and threw it at him. I went downstairs to the kitchen and eat the bowl of fruit. He came down and sat next to me. I looked at him and threw the bowl of fruit at him. Then I left and he came behind me and pushed me to the frig. I’m still shocked out my mind And he picked me up and threw me on the kitchen counter and I cried for him to stop. Then he staarted kissing my all over me.And he ripped off my clothes and started kissing my down there.Then I asked you’re going to do it down here. He said might and he started kissing me and I did a return and he smiled. I took off his pants and his shirt andI ask did he have a condom. He said no and I said go head. He said wait a second and got some baby oil and puted some in me and on himself.He said you look beautiful and kissed me when he enterd inside me.I gasp for air and he went slowly and was very gentle. I was saying stuff in Brazilian and he went faster. I kept saying oh my god, and moaning. I couldn’t believe we doing it on the kitchen couter. He went faster and faster and deeper. He said I love you and I said uhuh. I was begining to scream and every time I did he leaned over and kiss me. Then he said he ask want me to “cum” inside you. All I said was yes and I don’t know why I said it. But he did and it felt pretty amazing. He leaned over and asked how was it and I said was it was good very good while wipping the sweat off of him and licked and said good and he went to lick my chest down to my stomach. I said let’s go get cleaned up. Not bad for your first time he asked and I said nope and we got in the shower together. I got in bed and said I was sorry for throwing the bowl of fruit at you. He said he was sorry for throwing me to the frig and and the counter. I said now that hurted. He leaned over kissed me on my head.I got on top of him and kissed him nonstop. And ater I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. Talking to him and he said this is my best time ever having sex and it was with a virgin. I said and you love the Brazil ones and we got dressed and went to work like nothing happened. We’re still together and married with one child and it’s a boy.

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