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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My house.
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

okay 🙂 …. so, i lost my virginity on MAY 14, 2008. Yes, i rememberd the exact date, haha but uhm, that was about 4 months ago, and now that i really just thought about it it wasnt that long ago wow, anyways i was the girl who knew i wasnt going to wait for marriage i just knew i couldnt !
but i wasnt sure if i wanted the whole prom night first time like in movies or just a random crazy spontanious first time – i also wasnt sure if i wanted it to be with someone i loved? or just a really hot guy, and now from experience i am very glad that i took option a, and loved the guy.. Before kyle i have had so many oppurtunities to have sex i just choose not to or i stopped in the moment because it wasnt the right time or the right guy. kyle was the one. we met in jr. high i was a freshmen he was a sophmore , we were both virgins (which was nice) we had liked eachother and had STRONG feelings for almost a year before we moved from hot and heavy makeouts to sex.
again , (that was nice) no pressure, so to my first time yes, i lost it may 14th like i said and it was a wed, 🙂 it was a school day and i remember coming home and no one was home , so we texted and i told him to come over , so before i knew it he was standing in my kitchen and i said okay lets go in my room – * i had no intentions to have sex at all but one thing led to another and we were laying on my bed kissing, … so we were laying there and i all of a sudden sex popped in my mind , and i was curious to know if me and him would ever have sex, i knew i wanted him to be my first i just didnt know when or how he felt about it or if he even ever thought about it .. anyways so im laying there with my head on his chest and i said kyle, are we ever going to have sex and he kinda smiled and said yes, i was so glad that he said that i felt happy, so i layed there a few more seconds and then i said “so do you want to ” and he said want to what” and i was like “have sex” i really dont think i was thinking about what i was saying at the time it like just came out but i did want to, so he said if you want to , and i was like i do he keep asking are you sure are you sure and i just kept saying yes without hesitation, so he didnt have a condom but i had a few so he got up and got the condom i was just thinking wow “oh my god , oh my god” this is really going to happen , then i swear it was like 2 seconds and he had the condom on haha i was like whoa okay wait then he was like we dont have to and i was like no i want to just hold me for a second so i took off my pants and layed there under the blanket with a million thoughts going threw my mind, and because im 4’11 and hes 6’2 i had to be on top which was like wow okay so i got up on top of him and i was shaking, i was so nervous i knew it was going to hurt like hell so he had to gide “it” into me because i had no idea what to do, it took like 2 minutes to get it fully inside of me it hurt like no other pain i have ever felt , the whole time i was on top of him i didnt even move he did it all, after a few minutes i felt so numb i couldnt even tell if he was inside of me, thats how bad it felt but at the same time it was amazing i tried to kiss him as much as possible and not think about the pain he was going pretty fast and that hurt but then he slowed down, i remember him saying something like “god i feel like i could go on forever , or something like that haha, but i was also very loud, too 🙂 but not really moaning in pleasure more like maoning in pain, i remember being on top of him and he asked me if i wanted to do another position i said no i didnt feel like pulling out the tricks during my first time , it felt like forever , but really was only a matter of minutes, he didnt come, but it did feel good to him, he felt so bad afterwards he knew it was a little uncomfortable for me and it was but in a way it was beautiful. i was happy , but i really did feel like something was missing inside me he popped my cherry! 🙂 , after we were done we put our clothes on and he left a few minutes later it wasnt at all the way i pictured it in my head i didnt think it would be on just any normal day after school at my house but it was with the guy that i will NEVER have regrets about. 🙂 and that makes me happy to say. i love him, alot and now we have something of eachother and a moment that will stay forever. it was a bitter sweet. amazing . fun . exciting.
Now we have a good sex life and were trying new things but it deffinetly feels better now to me and we can both enjoy it to our full potential. SAFE.

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