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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: his parents house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I had only been going out with him a few days. He took me to his parents house for dinner. The had a guest room so while they were all cleaning up, we turned on some music and lit some candles then he turned off the lights. We started kissing then he slipped my shirt off then my bra, he begain to rub my back soon after he began to undress me and kissing me all over then, I started to take his clothing off. He layed me on my back and started to push his hips into mine. He didn’t have a condom so he had to hurry out to the car to get one. He soon returned and he stuck it in , I yelled out in pain, He stopped for a minute then I told him to go ahead I had not felt anything like it. We went on for a while finally it hit me it was the most erotic filling. After we had fucked my pussy was wet and hurting.

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