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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Boyfriend's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

My first time was amazing. My boyfriend and I did it last night and it was sooo great.
We were working together on a school project – at least that was the story.
What really happened was that his parents were out of town and my parents are so over-protective that the only way they would let me be at his house is for school. Did we really have to write a paper about Julius Caesar? Of course not.
Kind of makes you wonder how my parents missed the deep red v-neck that exposed the edges of my black lace-edged bra. I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen. If that morning you’d told me I would go to bed no longer a virgin I would have told you you’d lost your mind. But I didn’t want to look bad, and god knows how mortified I would have been if the shirt came off and I was wearing the sweaty sports bra I’d worn to cheerleading.
But anyway, I show up in some low-slung jeans and said top, and Jake (my boyfriend) answers the door and his eyes just about popped out of his head. I pretended to ignore that and kissed him, he kissed me back for a second, then let go and asked if I’d come upstairs, that he had a suprise for me. I said fine, and followed him. We went into his room and there were all these candles everywhere and chocolates and everything. I was just so taken aback. By then it was pretty damn clear what he wanted, and I wasn’t exactly protesting. So he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me down onto the bed and we make out for a while and all I can think is oh my god oh my god oh my god. Plus, I was really glad I wasn’t still wearing that sports bra. But anyway were making out and he slides the shirt over my head and pulls his own shirt off and his eyes almost pop out of his head again. He’d seen me without a shirt on before but this bra was about a cup size too small and it squeezed and kind of pushed them together. I’m a 36C and the bra was a 38B so it was way too small but it was the last one Victorias Secret had and I knew Jake would love it. So after a while we’re both naked and I said well you know I’m a virgin right? And he saw where it was going and he says don’t worry I won’t hurt you. And so he puts his dick in my pussy and it hurt for a little bit but I knew if I backed out now I’d regret it later so I made him keep going until it was all the way in. I bled a little, but not a ton, and it was just so amazing once it stopped hurting.
We arranged another time to work on the project this morning.

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