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Brother-In-Law, Bill

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Sister's home
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I wanted to go to the University of Wisconsin in Madison after I graduated from high school. To save on expenses, my older sister, who is 24,and who lives in Madison offered to let me stay with her and her husband, Bill, during the school year. Since this saved me a lot on room and board, I took them up on their offer.The arrangement has complications, however. Soon after I moved in, I discovered that my brother-in-law Bill,who is 25, has wandering eyes, and he began to flirt with me whenever my sister was not around. At first, I thought it was just a playful thing, but then it became more serious. One Saturday, when my Sister was out shopping, Bill came on to me pretty strongly. It was in the kitchen, and he pinned me pretty tightly against the cupboards and pressed his hard=on firml;y against me. I told him to stop, but he persisted, and unfortunately I didn’t resist. He fucked me hard and long,and although I knew it was absolutely wrong, I loved it.He thought I was on birth control, but I wasn’t, and he climaxed several times in me, whicvh was heavenly, but then got me to worrying. Fortunately nothing happened, but since then we have had sex several times and it’s getting more often. He has a very strong sex drive and wants it all the time. I knoww he’s getting plenty of sex from my sister, because I hear them a lot at night, but whenever she’s gone for an afternoon or evening, he’s begging me, and I give in. Several times we’ve done it right in my bed, at night, while she’s sleeping. Bill is a great lover and he’s hard to resist, but somehow I’ve got to stop this. Yet, I don’t want to. Has anbody got a solution?

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