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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Union Oil Property
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was a sophomore and she was a freshman when we were introduced at the High School “Kickoff” dance. My date that night was a looker but totally unresponsive. She introduced me to Royceen and we danced a couple of times. Not long afterward was the Winter Ball, a girl invite dance, and Royceen asked me to attend it with her. After the dance I drove to the flood control damn and parked. We talked for a long time and I kissed her once — a totally dismal kiss. I decided that I would not pursue it further. One night she knocked on my door and asked if I could give her a lift home? I said “Sure” and we hopped in my old car. On the way she asked why I hadn’t been around since the dance? I decided to be up front with her and I told her that kissing her was like kissing a door knob. She said that she was willing to learn, so we pulled into the church parking lot, found a secluded place to park, and I proceeded to giver her a few pointers about kissing. She was a willing learner and soon we were Frenching like mad. I started hanging out at her place after school, and we would play board games. Whenever her parents would leave us alone for a few minutes we would kiss. After a few months of kissing I decided to cop a feel. We were Frenching and I let my hands roam to the front of her sweater. She pulled away. I left and once again decided to write her off, and once again she took the initiative and called me on a Saturday morning. She asked what I was doing? I told her I was getting ready to go hunting with an old single shot 12 gauge shotgun my dad had given me. She asked if she could tag along and I agreed. That morning I walked her legs off as we roamed over the Union Oil Company Leases north of our home town. We took turns shooting at rodents with the shotgun, and finally decided to go back to where I had parked my car. Near the car was a stand of pepper trees that formed a little room in their midst. We put a blanket on the grass and sat there in the shade to cool off. Royceen said that she had thought about what had happened the last time we were together, and had decided to let me have my way. We laid down on the blanket and started deep kissing, and I started touching her breasts on the outside of her cotton blouse. I felt her tense up so I stopped. She sat up and said that if I was going to touch her she wanted to touch me, too. I was surprised, because all I intended to do was feel her breasts, but I agreed and we both stood up and took our own clothing off until we were buck naked. This was the first time I had ever been naked with a mature woman and also the first time I had touched a bare breast. We laid down and touched each other, but I was more interested in looking at her breasts, nipples, and the triangle of light brown hair above her vagina. She was impatient for me to get with it. I knelt between her legs and tried to put my penis into her vagina, but it kept slipping out. Finally we tried having her raise her knees, and then it slipped in deep ehough to stay inside of her. She crossed her ankles on the small of my back and brought her knees up as high as she could on my sides, and told me that she wanted to feel my full weight on top of her. I was a little afraid of hurting her, but I lowered my weight onto her and felt her lovely rounded breasts press into my chest and our pubic hairs come together. The feeling was wonderful as she did something with her vaginal muscles that felt like a fist tightening around my penis. She could relax those muscles to where I could scarcely feel her vagina or tighten to the point of near pain, seemingly at will. I moved in and out of her vagina in a gradually increasing pace until I felt my release approaching and I told her I was going to pull out of her vagina rather than ejaculate inside of her. At the last possible second I began to move back and she released her ankles from my waist, and I squirted my cumm onto the blanket. It was then that I noticed the six inch circle of blood on the blanket. She never gave me any indication of pain as I tore the membrane of her virginity. Her stain was mingled with my stain — it was the first time for both of us. Over the next three years we experimented with each other’s bodies many times. She was always willing to try any new position or place. We returned to our little room in the pepper trees many times, and if the honey bees bothered us we would wrap up tightly in my soft cotton blanket with the round little stain. She loved it when I would get inside and we laid with my legs outside of her legs where my penis could make solid contact with her cliterus and our sweat would make us slippery. Many times she would hold me inside at my moment of release so that I came inside her vagina, and it was those times that I knew she was having her own climax at the same time. One night she wanted to try a new position in the front seat of her father’s old Ford. She had me scoot down on the seat and she squatted over me and slid down on erect penis with her full weight — not that she weighed all that much. She loved the extra penetration and once she was fully impailed on my penis she began the familiar tightening and relaxing of those wonderful vaginal muscles until I erupted up into her sweet pussy with very little in and out action. In retrospect I realize how much I loved her and how much I treasure the time we spent together. I would give anything to see her again, just to tell her “Thanks for the memories”.

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