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Bruised my head!

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Dormroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had just started college at the local university. I had decided to stay local because my boyfriend who was a year older than me was attending school here and we had just started to get serious. We had been dating for almost a year and had yet to have sex, but had done everything else you could basically do.

My roomate was out of town for the weekend and I had off of work, a rare occasion. I had told my bestfriend earlier in the week that she should stop over to watch movies and hang out because I had thought bf would not be around. An hour before she was set to come over, I didn’t want to bail on her so I told her to still come over, bf and I are in my bottom bunk with candles lit, nice music on and a view of the city out my window. We are groping each other, making out, going down on each other and I say that I am ready, FINALLY! He looks at the clock and says that he doesn’t think that we have enough time. I was sooo horny. It was ridiculous. We were like wild animals writhing about wanting to do it but not wanting to rush it or have to share our time with my friend once she finally showed. Plus we didn’t have any condoms and I was not on the pill. We waited till the bell rang, put on our clothes and went in the lobby to get her.

Several hours later, a little intoxicated and tired my friend decides to leave. Bf says that he should leave too because he has class in the morning and I become pouty. Really mad that I am going to be alone in my room with no one to hang out with. Bf says that he’ll stay, I give him that look like I’ll make it worth his while. Shortly after my friend leaves I am back in the dorms and in my suite mates room grabbing a condom out of her mound of them. I go back into my room where bf is in my bed. I take off my sweat pants and tank top and help him put on a yellow condom. I duck my head under the top bunk and mount him. He slides in fairly easily and there really isn’t any pain. The only pain is my head which is hitting the top bunk and the bars that connect it to the bed frame. Giggling starts. It was weird because we were completely silent until that point and now we talk dirty and yell and moan loud every time we have sex. He came within a few minutes and it was actually kind of a let down, but he has more than made up for it over the years….should have done it earlier in the night though and told my friend to buzz off.

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