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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My 11 yo cousinand I were having a sleep over. My parents left to go out for a while and left me in charge. Shortly after they left my cousin Tyler and I begn to argue about control of tv remote. I flexed and told him I was bigger stronger nd the only man in the house so I was naturally in chrge and he had to do what I said. With that he jumped on me while I layed on the couch and dropped an elbow into my gut. I grabbed my gut an went to stand up, as I did he swept my legs and I droppd to the floor momentarily stunned. He climbed up on my chest hitting my balls with his knee as he mounted me. He grabbed my muscle shirt and pushe it over my head cutting off my vision and trapping my arms over my head totally exposing my smooth chest, smooth belly button and pits with only tiny sprigs of peach fuzz. Tyler laughed and said you are not a man and he bagan tickling my sensitive pits. After 15minutes of unending tickling I begged him to stop. Almost crying. He laughed held my weakened arms in place with one hand and pulled my pants down with the other totally exposing my hard lil 3.5″ cock and smooth marble sixed balls. He grabbed my undefended ballsand laughd in my face. Then he brushed my cock with his hands afew times and I further humiliated myself by shooting my load. Af5tr tht he dry humped me with his biggr hairless cock and I shot again shrinking back to only 1.5″ he took remote and left me I a heap.

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