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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Boyfriend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

My boyfriend Bryce and I were on our first few weeks of our senior year. I had just turned 17, and really probably wasn’t ready to lose my virginity; but of course I went along with it anyway. You see, up until 9th grade, I had always been kind of flat chested…by the end of my sophmore year my boobs really grew…they really grew! I got different kinds of attention from boys, which I didn’t really feel comfortable with (I was really shy), and that’s kind if how I met Bryce. There was an ‘end if the year party’ that everyone was at, and Bryce walked up to me, we started talking, he asked me out…so on. A few months later, we were still dating and did everything together; that is everything but the one thing. He knew that I was s virgin, and I knew he for sure wasn’t, he was pretty much a player at our school; but for some stupid reason, I thought what we had was different. I must have had self esteem issues because that night that we were together, I didn’t say or do anything to stop it because I wanted him to love me, God I was stupid because I’m sure I wasn’t ready. Anyways, he brought me to dinner that night, the night his parents were out of town of course- then we went back to his place. I’d had other boyfriends before but none of th were as expirienced as him and I kind of felt intimidated by him..and I was supposed to feel safe or whatever right? We got to his place around 9 and just made out and fooled around for a bit. Then, before I knew it we were on his bed. He was on top for awhile and we undressed each other. He didnt fumble doing anything; but I was so nervous i was probably shaking to death. I remember watching him as he camly took out the condom and put it on. I was so tense at first and he kissed me softly and told me to relax. I tried to relax the best I could but then he was almost all the way in and I felt a thrash of pain. I gasped and he went slower. It was painful at first, but then he slowly got faster and I remember feeling so free and wanting more of him. I was shy about making noises but he moaned Emma (my name) a couple of times. He made it last longer than I had expected and after I remember not really knowing what to say so I didnt speak, i just stayed resting my head on his chest. He drove me home later and kissed me goodnight. The next day at school I felt really embarresed knowing that everyone must have known. Basically the next day Bryce and I hardly talked. He treated me like crap all week and I remember hearing a rumor he was making out with this slut Kaysee at some party. I confronted Kaysee and she admitted it was true and to never fall for a player or something. I dumped Bryce and a few months later, found someone worth my time. My new man Jace and I are attending to colleges nearby and have been dating for a year. Suck it Bryce! On second thought, please dont.


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