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Age when it happend: 47
Where it happened: in a shopping cart outside the walmart
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so as i was walking out from work i heard a deep voice call me over. “Bubba” he said “what are you doin tonight?” i replied to him that i was gonna go home and help my mother rub her bean. he said why dont you come over to his house and have a few drinks. i thought why not, why not have a few drinks, my mothers bean smells like butt anyway. As we were walking to what he said is his car he grabbed my hand and told me he always liked me. i went along with it, after the time he tried grabbing me in the toy isle i knew he liked me. i was getting excited, i showed him a shopping cart and told him to follow me. i climbed on and pulled down my pants, he pulled down his, moistened my ass with his tongue and stuck it in! it was fantastic! i have never had it so good, i loved it soooo much. i cant wait for it to happen again!

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