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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: at home in the basement
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it was a friday,just 1 hour before time to go to work.i was a teenager so i still lived at home with mom,and grandma.mom was at work, and grandma was asleep on the couch. grandma was going to take me to work.my girlfriend had come over to spend the day with me before work.she was 16.i had been told she was experienced,but did not know.we were on the couch in the livingroom playing,and tickling each other while my grandma was asleep in the den.i tickled her stomach,and she laughed really loud, and i thought that was her spot, so i continued,and then after a few minutes she informed me if i didnt stop we were going to have to find another room to (play) in. so i offered her to go to the basement,where there was a bed .she accepted. we was very quiet,and went down the steps.once we got to the bed she had already taken her shirt off. and turned around to look at me,and of course it was the first tits i had seen that closeto me. so i took off my clothes as she was taking hers off. she laid down on the bed,and i crawled on top of her.i didnt even get a chance to have any kind of foreplay due to having to be at work in almost 45 mins.i went straight for the sex. i was so afraid i would never get the chance again,so i went into her hard and very fast,i lost all concentration ,i was only worried about my manhood,and i wanted to feel what the hype was all about.i remember at one point looking down at her ,and her head was sideways against the wall,as i pounded her very fast and hard. i came in her within 3-4 mins.i had masturbated on a regular basis since i was about 8,and it always took about 15 mins to get off. but this was shocking, it only took me 4 mins tops. i was so cheery, we both got dressed,and went upstairs, and i woke up my grandma,so she could take me to work. she was going to have to go to work with me as her mom hadent gotten done with her shopping yet. so we left.when i got to work,i evidentally had a giant smile on my face that couldnt be smacked off!. i worked at a pizza place.so when i walked in and she was with me,my best friend was already working,and he saw us and then he looked at me and i guess he noticed my smile, and he grinned at me, and said “whats up?” with a grin. i just smiled back and turned 12 shades of red. immediatelly he screamed out” bread in the oven,” “bread in the oven”. and i dont think she understood his joke,but the rest of the night, week,and year,i was teased about “bread in the oven”.it was the last time for her and i since she had tried to claim that she was pregnant.as it turned out she wasnt, and i got sent to live with my dad because of the “daddy” scare to my mom.i never saw her again.

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