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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Grandparents home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I was 15. and not unlike any other teenage boy. Learning and experiencing the wonderful pleasures of what it means to be human.

Realizing that the explosive feeling of sexuality and orgasm was a pleasant reality, yet struggling with the stigma of the teaching surrounding me that to experience such pleasure was wrong, even sinful.

We were on our annual family vacation visiting my grandparents and various relatives. As was our custom we stayed at my gradnparents home and this became the center of activity for the duration of our summer family vacation. Relatives would congregate using my grandparents home as the central meeting place. It was central and neutral as a meeting place.

My grandparents had a wonderful feather bed. It felt as if you were being embraced by a soft and wonderful down filled hug when you settled in to this wonderful place I referred to as my heavenly cloud.

It was a lazy summer afternoon. I chose to stay behind as everyone went their separate ways to visit and enjoy the summer fun. As soon as everyone had departed I went directly to the “heavenly cloud” and floated naked in this wonderful soft space.

It was wonderful. Soon I found myself erect and once again moving toward bringing myself to humanity’s beautiful experience of pleasure. As I closed my eyes and stroked myselef in pleasure I was startled back to reality as the door suddenly opened and the “light of the world” exposed itself to my personal island of pleasure. Embarrassed and startled, I lay naked on the bed, erect and obviously in the midst of self pleasuring, staring at my aunt who had come to visit at the family meeting place.

I was frozen. I didn’t know what to say or do. I reached fratnicly for the sheet to cover my nakedness amidst guilt of having been “caught” in the moment.

My aunt, realizing my frantic discomfort, addressed the moment in the most wonderful and loving exchange I could ever wish to experience.

She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Her first words were to assure me that what I was doing was in no way wrong or inappropriate. She acknowledged that she understood my embarrassment and assurred me that my experience and desire was normal and completely acceptable.

I thanked her for understanding. In this moment she lovingly and caringly explained to me the nature of sexuality and the wonderful experience of pleasure orgasm provided. As I lay there with my erection pressing firmly against the sheet, she tenderly and lovingly pulled the sheet away. With a loving gaze she praised the beauty of my erect penis.

She was so comforting, so reasurring that what I was experiencing was not wrong or bad, but was purely natural and in every way acceptable and wonderful.

I thanked her for her kind and comforting consideration. In the same moment I flet comfortable and safe in asking her grasp my erection so I could experience the feeling of someone else touching my erection. Without hesitation, she gently and tenderly grasped my erection and stroked me to completion.

What a wonderful, tender and loving introduction to elated and explosive orgasmic pleasure. As I came explosively she was wonderfully complimentary and encouraging.

As I lay there with my eyes closed, basking in the wonder of orgasmic pleasure, she tenderly stroked my penis and my testicles to enhance my pleasure.

It was so wonderful. I lay there in pleasured bliss. The next thing I knew, I was awakening in the soft and tender embrace of my heavenly cloud.

There was no trace of the explosive ejaculation I had experienced.

I got dressed and went to the living room where I found my aunt, sitting patiently, watching television. She looked up at me with a most loving and kind smile of acknowledgement.

We never discussed that afternoon. There was no need.

My aunt died of cancer a few months later.

I feel blessed beyond measure to have had such a wonderful and loving experience. No judgement, no negativity, simply the wonderful expressive experience of the beauty of sexuality introduced by someone who truly had my best interest in mind. I will forever be grateful for such a loving introduction to the beauty of the expereince of sexuality and pleasure.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience