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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: outdoors
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

A friend and I were out walking in this wooded area not too far from where we live. There was nobody around and it was just the two of us, and we were enjoying each other’s company and just feeling close. Neither of us are gay, and there has been anything going on between us, except for just being friends.
Anyway, we stopped and we were standing there talking, and like I said, feeling close. Well, we looked at each other and sort of smiled shyly about having these friendly feelings between us. Then, because it seemed like it was something that was all right to do, and because we both wanted to, we kissed. It was kind of amazing doing this together as boys. But it felt really nice having our lips together and we both liked it. Afterwards we were both slightly self-conscious about having actually done that. The next day, however, we were at his house and nobody else was home, and we tried kissing again, and it was really nice. Since then, we have started kissing and holding each other and really liking being close and romantic together. It’s just fun and feel so good to do that as friends.

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