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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: in my bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I can remember it as if it was yesterday. I was a softmore in high school and my niece who was a senior at a different school introduced me to this beautful,skinny,dark haired,brown eyed beauty. She was half mexican and a Caltholic. Me I am white and at the time a Southern Baptist. In 1965 whites and any other culture didn’t mix. Anyway back to my first time. I met Mary and we went to the drive in in her car:) I was the cock of the walk at my high school. Here I was a softmore dateing a senior with her own car. Anyway we watched the movie and I confessed to her that I had a problem playing with myself. I was soooooo embaresed but I was in love and thought I had to be honest. She kissed me gently and then unzipped my pants and gave me one of the best hand jobs I’de ever had. I thought I was in heaven. The next day was Saturday and my mom was a hairdresser and had to be at work by 8am. Me I’m still snoozing when the phone rings. It’s Mary and she wants to come over. I’ll be waiting I told her. She gets there and we kiss a little and she starts rubbing my crotch again. I’m thinking I’m getting another hand job when she leads me to my room. Ok I don’t mind laying down and being confortable. I know you must think I am the dumbest boy in the world but mom raised me to respect girls and it never entered my mind to try and seduce her. As we lay on the bed kissing and petting she got up and started getting undressed. We’re going all the way this time she told me. Well you could have heard a pin drop. A grin came on my face I know lite up the room. I ask her was she sure because I didn’t have any condums. Not to worry my little head she said. She knew when her last period was and it was safe. Now when all you women stop laughing shame on you:) I just got lucky she didn’t get pregent because as a Chatloic there I would have been. A 15 year old daddy. Anyway I thought hand jobs were good. I knew what to do but just had not ever done it. She was gentel and guided my young cock into her very hairy pussy:) LOL. I think she had done this before:) After a few minutes of me trying to pump up and down she rolled me over and got on top. Ohhhhhh yeaaaa now that’s how you make love:) She rode me like cowboy rides a yearling. I know she came twice before I reached my orgasim. I ask once again was she sure it was ok to cum in her?? Yessssss she screemed and so I let it fly. I can still remember that dizzy feeling as I filled her full of my cummmmm. She had deflowered me at the tender age of 15 and from then own I was a man:)
Well hope all of you got a kick out of that. It didn’t last too long after that as she became very clinging and besides the back seat of her car was getting old. She wanted to screw all the time and unlike most boys my age I just didn’t enjoy it as much as most would. Ohhhhh well such is life. I’ve been married 4 times and still don’t enjoy sex that much. I do love the internet and all the fun things I find like this great place:) I’ll chat with anyone who is interested. Eamil me at wallace_patersoncom Byeeeeee to all

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