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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My boyfriend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re worried about having sex for the first time or just curious to see what other people experienced. I used to browse these sites when I was thirteen, since that’s around the time I started seriously thinking about having sex (in the future, of course). When I first had sex, I was sixteen and I was pretty educated about it. Most of it was common sense, but I also did a lot of statistics searching, like what your chances for contracting herpes/HIV in your lifetime are, et cetera. That’s pretty important, as well as talking to the person to make sure they don’t have any STDs, and possibly having them tested for them.

It can be kind of awkward, talking to your partner about this kind of stuff, but wouldn’t you rather just do it than live with an incurable disease for the rest of your life? Sex is too good to forgo out of carelessness. 😉

You also have to think about what your morals are. Personally, I have no morals, so when I first had sex, the only thing I made sure of was that my boyfriend didn’t have any STDs, he was sure he wanted to do it, and we were alone. xD

Both my boyfriend and I go to a pretty non-conforming boarding school in the US, and they expect us to be super responsible. Since most of us are, we hardly ever have problems. We don’t do drugs, or any of that kind of thing. There’s only about 70 people at my school, too. <3 It's pretty cool. But when it comes to sex, I know a lot of people who've done it off-campus. They give us car rights on the weekends, and we don't have to come back on to campus until about 9:00 on Saturday. My parents live way over near NJ, while my school is near California, so they usually just let me go wherever I want on weekends since I get good grades.

My boyfriend, Grid (it's a weird/awesome name, lol), got permission from his parents for his birthday. Unfortunately, they couldn't come until Sunday, so we got to spend a whole day together on town leave. I remember it like this: we were talking about two of our friends, who're together, and I mentioned that one of them told me that they had already had sex. Then I told him a story about how my mother, when she was giving me the sex/puberty/drug/alcohol/boy talk, kept thinking that people would 'peer pressure' me into doing all of those things. I've never understood why people don't just shove it and tell them no. Peer pressure doesn't affect me, and it never has. He feels the same way. After that, in a sarcastic manner, I said, 'Yeah, let's have sex, because *everyone* is doing it!' and he suddenly got all serious and said 'well, we haven't ever really talked about it, you know…' So we talked about it for a while and determined that we were both definitely ready, so I took advantage of the fact that we were on a hike in the woods, getting all hot and sweaty, with no one around… XD

Weirdly enough, the only thing I remember being awkward was the clothing removal process. I mean, taking off our shirts was fine, but for some reason we both had trouble with the pants. Lol, it was weird and we both laughed it off about five seconds later.

We were protected as well. He's one of those guys that carries around a condom in his wallet for whatever reason, probably just to feel better about himself or something stupid like that, lol. And I wouldn't have done it anyway if I was anywhere near my period. My last one had just ended a week ago, so I knew I was pretty safe on the whole pregnancy deal.

Anyway, I'm a nihilist, which means I have no morals and don't get too emotional about things. I've got pretty liberated views on just about everything, including sex. The only boundaries I have ever set for myself sexually are safety from STDs and safety from pregnancy, and some pretty damn good condoms. 🙂 So, all in all, I'd say I'm pretty lucky, and if you're anything like me, you probably will be too. Life is easier if you don't angst about sex. All you have to do is get yourself educated, really. Then again, that's just my opinion.

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