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Can wedo this again

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Her Parents house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We moved to a new house and the neighbors came to meet nd i saw therd beautiful daughter.she was d cup at that moment i was solid my dick is 10′ i saw her mouth drop so i walked nd sat down on the couch nd i saw her once again my dick was jumping in my pants.wat is tht jumpin in my pants she asked.as she knelt down i saw tht she was not wearn any pantie i felt as my dick was bout to break and i dont know wat hapened to me but i saw my hand on her ass she turned around nd said lets go 2 her house when we got there she caled her sister i saw tht they had humongous rack.fimaly took the first one nd bnt her over nd strtd pumpin she starte yelin for me to not stp.i felt her body twitch nd she came all then i puled out nd the other sister said it is her turn i was barely able 2 get inside but when i did she yeled so loud her her mom came nd saw wht hapened i quickly took my dick out nd stood the mom came nd said to show her wat her daughters were yelin about. ROUND 3 LETS GO HER MOMS PUSY WAS THE BEST

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