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cant say her name

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: friends garage
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

my first time was with this girl shes in all my class’s and shes been in every grade with me since 3rd grade she lived couple blocks away from me but i didnt know that until 7th grade we started talking and etc we were just friend i guess but i people said wed make a good couple but i doubted it she was umm like shes from earth and im the man on the moon i learned lot about her over 7th grade and i got her number she would help me out in notes homework classwork and shit i was the group of kids that skipped class and smoked but that changed when i got to high school my parents hated the kids i was hanging with and didnt like the high school i picked so they sent me to this preppy high school i knew few people like david and paul but i was out of place everyone here was A students well dont get me wrong i aint stupid or anything if i stopped being lazy i could’ve been like them but i didn’t fit in but i noticed she was here too but she was way different more easy and just different i liked the new her my type i was a virgin but i had gotten blowjobs and things like that when i was chilling with my boys (there older) and i was always the youngest hanging with them but they let there girls give me head they were cool with it as long as i didn’t go far so yeah

so anyways this one friday i was in the gym supply closet smoking a square (cigarettes) i come out and the gym teacher asked me if i had i lighter so i lit him up one he told me i would be late for next hour and to go i was like dont worry about it i was walking back too class when i seen her she dropped her shit on the floor books and things i picked her glasses up and tried them on they were pink and black with the peace symbol she was like gemme them back i was like come get em smiling she was shorter then me so she had to reach up she slipped and fell on me i grabbed her laughing she was laughing too she was like stop being a jerk and give em back i told her to say sorry for calling me a jerk she was like no never and i gave them back but i grabbed her hand and i told her to meet me after school outside

when school let out my boys rolled up in the car laughing at the uniform i was wearing i was like shut the fuck up your mom picked it out for me when i seen her i told them to move over and her to come in she was scared at first but i was like come on and she came my boys were being douches as usual telling me my nigga and asking me if i fucked her yet i told them no and cracked jokes but then they went out to get some dark rum and i was in the garage alone with her she told me i got stupid friends and that i missed math we got a big assignment i told her to sit next to me and then she came and was talking out the homework from her backpack and when she trued around i kissed her she moved back and said what was i doing i told her what it look like then i started to make out with her i was hard on i told her give me a blowjob she asked me what that was so i tolds her what to do and she did i shot a load into her mouth she spitted it out and touching her tongue and looked at it she said she wanted to go home but i told her stay a little longer and she did and then i told her want to take it furtherer she was like no she felt uncomfortable and that she wanted to go home so my boys came back with the rum i took a bottle and started walking her home talking the alleys she asked me why was i drinking i told her cause it feels good she wanted to try it she took a sip and had a sour face she told me it tasted bad i took her home and she said bye

the next day she called me up i dont know how she remembered my number but she had it still and asked if we could meet up at the garage again i said sure
we met up and she was smoking hot and i was like why u dressed up for she was like i wanted to look hot for my boy friend and i was like whos your bf she was like you silly i was shocked i didnt remember when i asked her out but i said ok but u always look beautiful she was like aww i she asked me where were we gonna go i said no where we gone stay here and finish what we started yesterday she said ok fine but u gotta to be gentle i was like ok i opened her shirt and her tits looked good i touched them and massaged them then i took her pants off and panties (shes such a kid still she had hallo kitty) i ate her out she was wet and i was hard so i opened my pants i told her to suck it again like yesterday she did and i shot a load in her mouth this time she took it all in i smiled and said good girl she coughed but then went back to work i layed her on her back and i went in she was tight very tight but i lossened her up and after awhile a shot a load in her pussy she said it felt good and warm but then she started to bleed but i told her it was ok and i kept fucking her for awhile then we got dressed and a brought some pizza and went back to her house we ate and watched iron man the movie and she was close to me we was cuddling.

its been 2 years we have been going out i fuck her mostly everyday her brothers know we go out but they dont like me they say im a bad influence but that doesnt stop me from going over her house

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