Of all the stories I’ve read at your website I haven’t found any where a girl had a first sexual experience like mine. I lost my virginity to my husband on my wedding night. Is that so weird?
I didn’t wait out of religious zealotry, although I do attend church regularly. I wasn’t some dumpy girl who couldn’t get laid, either. I ‘ 1”, 104 lbs, a competitive swimmer with a 34C chest.
My ethnic background is Lebanese, and I guess the emphasis that culture puts on a girl’s purity was part of my reason to wait. Respect for my parents was another reason. Mostly I waited out of self respect and romantic ideals. I wouldn’t barter my sexuality for a few dinners and concert tickets. I wouldn’t be a masturbatory receptacle for some guy who “needed it so bad” and would forget me a month later. My first time was going to be romantic and with someone special. If that meant waiting for marriage I’d wait.
I’m not saying I was asexual and living like a nun until I 2. At maybe 14 I discovered the delights of my bathtub shower massager – I still enjoy it, sometimes with my husband. During our engagement we had many ” heavy petting” sessions. These often invovled me stripping to the waist and playing with myself, sometimes to orgasm. My fiance Tim played with my breasts and masturbated or I masturbated him. Later I let Tim “tittyfuck” me, shooting his semen across my chest and neck.But until my marriage I had never been penetrated in any way and my husband hadn’t even seen my vagina.
Our wedding night was at a first class hotel. Tim carried me into the room and directly to the bed. He stripped off my wedding dress and kissed my body everywhere. Still wearing his tuxedo, Tim moved between my legs and ate me to orgasm. Next it was my turn to undress and kiss him. When I reached his penis I lightly kissed the shaft a few times and took only the head into my mouth. I didn’t want Tim to lose it before the main event.
My actual deflowering didn’t go as well as I had hoped.The gynocoligist had told me that my hymen had been accidentally ruptured sometime earlier so I didn’t have a physical cherry to pop. Even so, when Tim entered me the pain was terrible. My husband’s penis is about average length but it is very thick in diameter.{I’m going by what girlfriends tell me – his is the only penis I’m familiar with.} Tim penetrated only a fraction of an inch at a time and then we waited for my vaginal muscles to relax. Tears ran down my face and I bled badly as he inched inside me. The sweet guy repeatedly offered to withdraw but I wanted to continue. After maybe an hour his full length was in me and the pain had diminished. Using a lot of lubricant, Tim began gently thrusting. I was starting to enjoy the feeling when he orgasmed inside me, consummating our marriage.
Today we have a-old daughter and I am pregnant with another girl. When my girls are old enough to talk about sex I’ll be proud to tell them I waited till marriage and that their father is the only man I’ve ever made love with. I hope they’ll respect and emulate me.