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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: ice fishing shack
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

On Labor Day before the start of my senior year of high school I went to an all day outdoor concert with my best friend Jenna and her boyfriend Terry. At almost eighteen, I was still a virgin. Of course, I had experimented some with sex and had gone as far as oral on a couple of guys but I was saving myself for some big romantic First Time. I got cheated out of that experiance that night when I was drugged and raped at a party.
At the concert we heard about the party and we stopped there on our way home. It was at a farmhouse way out in the country and there were maybe a hundred people there. Jenna and Terry went somewhere and I met up with some guys from the concert. I already had half a buzz on before we smoked a couple of joints and I drank some rum and cokes. Maybe the joints were laced with something but I believe I was given Rohypnol or “roofies”, the date rape drug, in my drinks. All I remember is feeling sick and then nothing.
Later Jenna and Terry tried to find me. Terry heard some talk about a fucked up girl some guys had in a fish house out back. (I should explain that a fish house is a small shack that is put on our Minnesota lakes to fish through the ice. They have beds for the fishermen and are often kept in the backyard during the summer.) That’s where they found me, naked in a bunk and semiconscious. Somehow they got me dressed and into the car.
Back at Terry’s apartment I began to understand what had happened. The aching feeling in my vagina told me I had been raped but I had no idea by who or how many. Jen and I held each other and cried, then she helped me into Terry’s bathtub. We didn’t go to the police because I couldn’t have told them anything. I just wanted to wash myself and cry.
I didn’t want to tell my mother but Jen insisted and called her anyway. I’m so glad she did. My mom rushed into Terry’s bathroom and hugged me right in the tub. It felt so good to be in my mother’s arms, naked and wet, as we both sobbed uncontrollably.
Jen gave me some of her clothes and I told her to burn what I had worn. Mom took me to an emergency room where I was examined and given the morning-after pills. Then we went to a rape crisis center where I had many counseling sessions over the next monthes. It did help.
I didn’t have consenual sex for another three years, when I was twenty one. I had told guy what had happened to me and he tried to make this first time romantic and special. Still, there was a big cloud over the occassion from that Labor Day.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience