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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: at his house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

When I was fifteen years old, my family moved from Oklahoma to Washington State and I started a new school. I really didn’t know anyone very well, not to mention being scared to death about having no friends, so I decided to use flirting as a tool to break the ice with new people. One day a friend of mine named Matt was flirting back when he, I assumed jokingly, asked me if I wanted to go to his house after school and have sex. In the spirit of fun, I said yes but that it would be my first time, thinking we’d get there and just hang out or something. So we left the school and rode the bus to his house, with his best friend in tow. Matt and I were joking and laughing the whole while, so I didn’t think anything was really going to happen. Once we got there, Matt began cleaning his stuff off his bed as I walked around the room and checked out the posters on the wall. His friend went into the living room and sat down to watch T.V., leaving Matt and I all alone.
He sat down on the bed, patting it for me to come sit with him, so I did. Once I was on his bed, he started kissing me and I kissed back. I began really wondering what was going to happen then. Soon, he had convinced me to take my pants off and had brought out a condom and put it on. I reminded him that I was a virgin and he said nothing. Then he pretty much got on top of me and started thrusting. There was no physical pain, just this emotional anguish of “Oh, My God, I’m having SEX!!!!” He stopped about two minutes into it and kinda looked at me funny….then got off me and went into the bathroom. I pulled my panties and jeans back on, more hurt by his actions than anything, and slipped down the stairs. His friend looked up at me and said something about it being quick, and I just blushed and told him I’d see him later. I caught the bus home and freaked out when I got there. I thought I was dying or something because there was blood in my panties…two weeks later I learned what a hymen was. After that, I quit flirting for about a year and waited another two years to have any kind of sex with someone. But I’ll never forget Matt, because he showed me how NOT to do it to a virgin, and the ones I’ve introduced to sex leave with a smile on their faces.
By The Way…..Thanks Matt, for apologizing a few years later….You really did turn out to be a friend.

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