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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well my first time was about 5 months ago with my fiancer so me and my girl who we shall call Jess were watching a movie in my room my parents were out and i knew they wouldn’t be back fora few hours so we had time we were both 16 but we had never really tried anything we were both virgins so i decided to make my move i started kissing her neck slowly i made my way to her lips and she started kissing back i wasn’t sure of what i was doing but hell go big or go home i started to reach for her breast i groped it and she let me i fondled with it then moved to the other i started to take off my shirt and she unbuttoned her blouse this was the first time i had seen breast up close they weren’t that big but they were nice and perky i helped her take off her bra and i started sucking on her tits that’s when she told me to “stop rich stop!” so i obliged her i told her i was sorry so she grabbed my hand and put it back on her breast we started to kiss again passionately she noticed my cock starting to get hard and she rubbed her hand across my jeans i moaned a little so i decided enough was enough i picked her up and carried her to my bed i went to my dads room and found the drawer he kept the condoms in grabbed one and went back to my room when i got back Jess had started to pull off her panties i unbuttoned my jeans and got them off as fast as i could almost falling i started to go down on her (note i watched a lot of porn so i had an idea of what i was doing)she started moaning loader and louder she told me she wanted it now so i threw on the condom and started to penetrate but i could barely get the head in i started to push harder but she started screaming in pain so i stopped held her for a minute or so and she said she was ready to try again i started to penetrate and i did almost got balls deep thats when i started pumping i started going harder and harder but she screamed in pain again and i slowed down i came within 30 seconds she said she had an orgasm but i dont know we have been going steady since then i think the experience brought us closer we dont do it that much probably 10 times since that’s my story and i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.

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