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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: a tent in the woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

AFTER A LONG DAY OF TRAIL WORK WITH MY BEST FRIEND, J’AMIE, we were soaking wet from the rain, and freezing cold.(it was janurary) we climbed into our tent to dry off and warm up. i told him, since i was 15 and he was 14, that we needed to take off our wet clothes to stay warm. as we were undressing, i saw him take a peek at me in only my boxers. so we were sitting in the tent in sweatshirts and shorts; I suggeszted we play poker, and he said, “how about strip poker” (as he winked at me) so we were playing poker, and we were about even, and only in our shorts, no shirts, when J’amie lost the next round. i told him “pay up” and he got into his bag and took off his shorts, then threw them at me. he said”im tired of playing this game, lets do something else, my back hurts.” so i told him “i will give you a back rub, since you worked so hard today, and you deserve it.” (at this time he had put back on his t-shirt and sweatshirt) i started rubbing his back through his shirts…i told him that i could do a better job if he took off his shirt. he took off his sweatshirt, and i said”i meant like this” as i took off his t-shirt making him naked from the hips up. i continued rubbing kis back and after a few minutes, i applied some hand lotion, and sunblock, and slowly moved my hands around the front of his body.(at this time, he was laying on his belly, shirtless, and i was sitting on his ass, with my legs on both sides of his hips rubbing his back.) he seemed to like this, and he turned around so he was facing me, half naked, and he said two words. “kiss me” i leaned down, and started passionately kissing him on the lips, as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. it was the most passionate thing i’d ever done. it was totally gay, but we both loved it. he reached down and started to pull down my shorts, and i did the same to him…..there was lots of sexual and sensual things that happend between us in that tent, and although it was 5 degrees below zero and snowing outside, it was warm and toasty inside. when it was all over, J’amie, and I were laying totally naked, bodies twisted together inside my sleeping bag, kissing passionately, enjoying every moment of our warm boy bodies touching and rubbing together. then we drifted off to sleep…two boys, as one…in love..and forever best friends.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience