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Age when it happend: 32
Where it happened: Next room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My Wife’s First Time With Another Man

Cathy and I first discussed the idea of another man taking her to bed a year or so ago and I have to admit I really enjoyed the thought of it. We finally decided to act on it but then the problem was finding a suitable man for her to be with. Cathy is stunning, even though she is in her 50’s, and has never had any problems making men’s heads turn. But we decided on a somewhat devious plan. Cathy works for a large company that has offices around the world and there are many highly educated men who travel around to the various sites to make modifications and instruct everyone in new procedures (it’s an oil company).

Cathy works as a coordinator and meets just about every visitor who comes to the company. She was always getting propositions to go to dinner, but has always turned them down. But now, we decided that in her capacity of meeting these men from other cities and even countries, she would allow herself to be taken out. She would be up front that she was married, but that her husband was out of town for a few days. If they bite, then she would go out with him and see where it lead, preferable back at our home.

In fact we decided that this would be an absolute requirement for the evening to end. No hotels, and if the man refused to come to our home, then the date was finished. Another rule would be that they would have to be married, that way they wouldn’t be prone to falling in love and wanting to be with her. They would probably feel guilty afterwards and just be happy for her to keep her mouth shut.

So we put the plan into operation. Cathy went to work and did her job of coordinating the visitors. She saw many fat men, old men, Gay men, and even women. But no one struck her fancy. We figured that if she was going to let another man touch her, he could at least be in good health, handsome and younger than she was. So the search continued. Finally, about three weeks into our little adventure a younger gentleman from the Chicago office came for a training session and was met by Cathy. The normal airport driver called in sick, so Cathy had to drive out to the airport to meet a man from the office in Chicago. He was an engineer coming to Houston to train some personnel on a new engineering technique. Well Cathy waited at the reception area holding a sign and a fairly young man came up to her and told her he was the one she was looking for. She was taken back at how handsome he was and how young and fit he appeared.

On the way to the office they got into a lot of small talk. Cathy was dressed in a nice dress and looked stunning. She started to flirt just a little to let him know she was interested in him, and he flirted back. She found out that he was 28 years old, married with two small girls. Cathy then decided to back away from him, not wanting to be responsible for the break-up of a family since he seemed too nice of a man to trick into bed with her. They arrived at the office and she processed him and he then went to meet the main manager. When he came out, because the driver was not there, she had to take him to his hotel. Because of the traffic, it took about 45 minutes, but in that time the man really began to flirt with Cathy, and suggested they go out for dinner. Since Cathy had told him that she was married, but her husband was out of town, she realized that maybe there was still a chance of bedding him. She agreed and they made arrangements to meet at the hotel, and she would drive him to the restaurant.

After dropping him off, she phoned me and told me the story and asked if she should proceed with our plan. I quickly told her to go ahead and that I was very excited about this. Since I was supposed to be out of town, I had to get things ready. The plan was for me to go into the guest bedroom with the door locked and await their arrival. She would call me on the phone, pretending she was calling a girl friend, when she was on her way. Except for the car ride, they would never be alone. When they arrived at our home, they would make small talk and she would allow him to make the first move. If he didn’t then she wouldn’t either. It would be up to him.

Cathy got home and got ready for her date. She wore a stunning dress, very low cut, with high heeled thong sandals. I almost wanted to have sex right then and there, but there were bigger fish to fry. So Cathy went off on her date and I watched TV just to calm myself. I kept checking my watch to trying to imagine what they were doing now. There date was for 7 p.m. At 9 p.m. my heart began racing knowing that they were probably through with dinner and were now talking about what to do next. Again, Cathy and I didn’t want to destroy a marriage. If this was truly a date with a lonely man in a strange town then Cathy would show him around and keep him an honest man. But if she got the right signals and he invited her to his hotel, then she would consider him fair game and invite him over to our home instead. At 9:30 p.m. my phone rang and when I answered I heard Cathy say, “Hey there Linda (our code name that everything was as planned) I can’t make that tennis match in the morning. How about next week?” I then knew that she was on her way home with the man and I should go to battle stations. I turned out the lights except for the front hall way, went into the guest room upstairs, closed the blinds except for a small opening and then waited.

The master bedroom is downstairs, so there was little danger of him finding me. I had oiled the doors to the guest room and master bedroom so they wouldn’t squeak if opened. I waited. About a half an hour later I saw car lights pulling into the driveway and I immediately peeked out the little slit to see what he looked like. The outside lighting was on so I got a good look at the man who was going to be soon inside the most intimate part of my wife. He was a good looking, younger man and looked very fit. I watched as they disappeared under the front porch and then opened my door very slightly so I could hear what was going on. I had re-arranged the furniture so that their backs would be to me if I happened to peek from upstairs. Our bedroom was fortunately set up so their heads would be facing away from the door. I listened as they came inside and Cathy fixed a drink for them both and then they sat down and talked.

My heart was pounding so loud that I thought they might be able to hear me. I listened from the small crack of the door and then finally I opened up about half way and just sat there on the floor listening. They talked about small things, and then I heard him tell Cathy that he loved her feet. She then told him that if he loved them so much, then he could rub them. And of course he did as he was told. Cathy loves her feet rubbed, and I could hear her almost making a sound of an orgasm as he rubbed and touched them. It then got silent and after awhile I crawled on the floor to the corner of the stairs and peeked and saw that the man’s hands were now giving Cathy a full leg massage and his hands were up her dress massaging her upper thighs. Cathy had her head back enjoying herself. I crawled back to my hole and listened. Soon I could hear Cathy making moaning noises and then kissing sounds and I knew that it was going very well. I then heard some low talking and then the sound of them getting off the couch and going into the bedroom. I heard the shower turn on so I closed my door and locked it in case Cathy took her shower and the man decided to wander around the house.

15 minutes later the water shut off and I saw the lights turn off down stairs, which was my signal that she was going to be getting a screwing very soon. I opened the door once again and listened. I didn’t hear anything so I got bolder and inched my way to the stair case, with my heart racing at full speed. I could feel the adrenaline pulsing through out my body and my senses suddenly became very keen. I then heard it. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. If my heart could feet any faster I probably would have died. I heard Cathy groaning softly and knew they were kissing and touching each other. I about died right there in excitement. I held my peace and tried to calm myself down. I sat there in the darkness and willed my heart to slow down. It seemed to work and I got my second wind and then heard my beautiful wife Cathy moaning. Because the kissing noise had stopped I soon realized that the man was giving her oral sex, which Cathy absolutely adores. She can be quite vocal during sex, and she did not disappointment this night.

Cathy’s moans turned to almost cries as she got closer and closer to her first orgasm. When it came she let out a beautiful long moan. I heard the sound of kissing again and withering in the sheets. Soon I heard the pace change and realized by the noise Cathy was making that he was going to give her another orgasm with oral sex. I quickly walked down the stairs and inched my way to the bedroom. The door was opened, as arranged by Cathy, and I got down on the floor and quietly crawled over to the door and then listened. I could hear the sound of licking and sucking and knew what was going on and that he was probably too preoccupied to look around.

The way I had set up the room was that the shades were up and there was only a see through curtain in the window. The backyard light was on and all the shades in the living room and kitchen were tightly closed to allow no light into the room. This made it more difficult to see me since the window light would blind him. So when I got onto my hands and knees and peeked in, I was reasonable sure he wouldn’t be able to see me even if he did turn around.

When I looked I saw Cathy with her legs over the shoulders of the man who was licking her vagina like it was ice cream. Cathy’s eyes were closed and she was moaning. I was transfixed at the site. My wife with another man who was making her climax. I kept my breathing under control so my panting wouldn’t be heard, but Cathy was making enough noise that this was unlikely. I then heard the tell tale sign that she was having another orgasm. I looked up and saw her head all the way back, her hands grasping the man’s head and the cry of ecstasy. They rested for a few moments so I backed away towards the staircase just in case the man got out of bed. But that didn’t happen. Instead I heard their bodies move around so I snuck back into position by the bedroom door and when I looked around I saw that Cathy had maneuvered herself on top of the man and guiding his penis to her entrance. The man asked if she wanted him to wear a condom, but she told him that it was not necessary unless he felt he needed one. He told her that he was fine without one so Cathy then slowly lower herself onto the man and I heard her give out a small cry of pleasure.

Cathy is one of the few women I have been with that can orgasm with a penis alone. Most have to have some type of manual stimulation of the clit with the hand. But not Cathy. In fact, she doesn’t like her clit touched with a hand as it is too sensitive and hurts. She finds the tongue works well for her because of the softness, and the penis because it doesn’t directly touch the clit.

So here am I, on my hands and knees at the bedroom door watching my wife being penetrated by another man. Cathy was moving up and down the man’s penis clearly enjoying herself. My heart began racing again and I thought I was going to lose control. I don’t think I have ever had such a sexual high as I was having right now. I listened as Cathy made her sex noises and even the man was groaning a bit and told her that this was feeling so good to him.

She had her third orgasm. Normally she can have about four during a normal course of sex. Cathy and the man rested for a few moments, I think more for the man so he could reset himself and be able to stay harder longer. They kissed for awhile and the man kissed her breasts while Cathy held his penis in her hand. Cathy then slowly positioned herself onto her back, while they were still kissing and touching each other. Cathy then told him that she wanted him to enter her from on top and release his sperm into her. The man didn’t argue but got on top of Cathy and between her legs. I saw Cathy’s hand take hold of the man’s penis and guide it to her entrance. It made contact and I saw the penis disappear inside of Cathy.

I was almost dying with the blood rushing to my head as I watched the man moving between her legs, slowly at first then getting faster. I knew that Cathy would probably have at least one more orgasm and just as he reached his full speed I heard her making her orgasmic groan. The man continued thrusting and soon I heard him say that he was about to come and with that Cathy wrapped her legs around the man and put both her hands on his bottom and began pushing him. He groaned and I knew that at that moment his sperm was rushing into Cathy, which is what Cathy really loves. Though she can’t feel the actual sperm, she says she loves the contracting penis, feeling the penis getting harder at the last moment and knowing that his sperm was flooding into her. That is why she doesn’t like condoms.

They both relaxed so I made my exit back to the stairs. I sat there for a few moments and listened to them breathing. I then went upstairs and back to my room. I needed a sexual release and right now, but I didn’t want to masturbate. I wanted to make my release inside of Cathy with the other man’s sperm still inside of her. I tried to calm myself and waited. The plan was that the man would not be allowed to spend the night, but she would take him back to his hotel. After about an hour I heard them walking around and getting dressed. Soon I saw the headlights leaving our driveway, so I quickly went downstairs to the bedroom, switched on the lights and examined the bed and sure enough there was the stain of leaked out sperm on the bed sheet.

Forty five minutes later Cathy returned. Needless to say our sex was quick but intense. When I entered her, she still had some of his sperm inside of her since she had used a sanitary napkin to keep it inside of her, knowing that I would want to be inside of her with his sperm still inside of her. I finally made my release and mixed my sperm with his. My pounding heart finally started to relax and we then talked in bed about the experience and decided that this was something we needed to do again.

The next day the man was nice to her, but she could tell that he felt guilty about what he had done. But Cathy wasn’t bothered since she had given him plenty of space to back off, and she never initiated anything. No matter, that night Cathy and I were busy in bed and talking about our next encounter. But that story is for another day.

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