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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Mi fisrt student flat
Langauge: French
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

it has been quite a few time wew were actually talking about “it”. I was the last of my friends and was pretty keen on making the big step.
I had known this guy at the uni library and we had started seen each other now and then.
After a couple of date we met at my flat to go to a restaurant…and actually never made it 🙂
We started kissing and things were getting pretty hot till the point where we finished on my bed. He had started undressing me and I just let things go, without really thinking that “the thing” was actually happening.
I told him it was my first time, to let him know of course and for him to be gentle. After asking me if I really was sure – which I was, I didn’t really want to think about it to much, just let things happen- he just made his stuff without really taking care of me…
I remember the pain at the moment and just afterwards. I remember the smile on my face when I realised he was naked with just his socks on (so ridiculous!!!). After that we never went to the restaurant, it was getting late. I just left my flat saying goodbye on the front door.
I’ve never heard from him after….At some point I regret a bit having made it like that and with him, but in another hand It authorized me enjoying the next time which was with A good guy that I trully loved.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience