well i was ten and my mom and dad whent to the woods to do some camping for the summer. well there was a lake there and i love to swimm naked. i was swimming there one day when this 19 year old boy swam up to me and said hi so we talkedfo a whilei till dad called me back for lunch so i go out and he watched me walk back nude to the camp . and the next day we meat again and he said do you swimm nude all the time and i said yes and he sak me dident you mind me seeing you naked and i said no. so we swam and the same thing happen this whent on for weask i till the last weak i was there he came swimming up to me and said i am naked too so se swam around for a while and then we decited to lay on the bank when we saw each other close up he got real hard and i flet wet.so i ask him if he ever hade sex and he said no and i said me eather. so i sak him if we could . so i laid on the ground with my legs open as far as they could and he lade on top on me and slowley put it in it hurt alot at first but it got real easy . and after a while he came in me and then he sucked on my littel tits. when we both recovered he roled off of me . and swam a litle more and i whent back to camp. the next dad we left fo home and i never saw him again.