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Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Closet
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ok well I’m 13 and was 12 when it happened it was the worst day of my life. I’d been going out with this jon for 6 months. Before I went out with his best friend jay and they were fighting. I broke up with his friend cuz I cheated on him with their other friend ben. So we decided we’d make jay angry by having sex. That was everything jay ever wanted from me. So me and jon r in the bedroom naked when we hear someone running up the stairs. We quickly hid in the closet it was quite big. The person opened the doors and it was jay. He took his clothes off and started yelling how do u like me now. Jon was horrifyed. Then jay came into the closet and locked the door. Jon grabbed me and after a minute or so we began having sex. We had no condom but it didn’t matter cuz I didn’t have my period. Jay was angry and presed his body agaist mine. All I remember about that day was how much it hurt and also jay and jon hitting each other over the top of me.

I’ve had sex once since then and I also regret it very much. His name was evan we’d been dating on and off for 3 months. He was 15 and had slept with 6 other girls and was always cheating on me. One day we both got drunk and almost had sex. After that he kept asking me for it. I told him I was a virgin and he kept trying to convince me that it wouldn’t hurt. One day we were at basketball. We had both just played and were sweaty and gross. He pulled me into a change room and forced me to have sex with him. This time we had a condom. I was actually screaming for him to get off coz after the first time I just wasn’t ready. He hit me alot the next week u could hardly move thank god it was winter and I could just wear long clothes to stop my mum finding out. I blamed the black eye he gave me on basketball. It wasn’t a gud experience and I don’t really feel like I’m not a virgin anymore because both times I was forced. These guys were alot bigger than me. I have decided I won’t have sex again until I’m at least 16.

🙁 bye thx 4 listning

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