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Chelsea and Ian

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Lake Havasu (in a condo)
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

This isn’t a story to get you off. It isn’t vulgar or particularly graphic, and maybe it’s only sexy to those who are in love as deeply as he and I are. It’s only as detailed as I remember it which isn’t clear because the majority of the time was spent in a whirlwind of romantic blur. Just the way it should be. But without further ado…
Sometimes the most special moments are not only corny and trite but also quirky and embarrassing and only made livable because they are shared with the one you love most. My first time was like that. For some quick background info, I met Ian online through a mutual friend of ours and we became good friends almost immediately. We talked all the time for about a month when he finally gathered the courage to ask me out. We met on our third anniversary then on new years and again on spring break. We made plans to meet during the summer for a month on our 15th anniversary. He is my best friend, my boyfriend and my lover all rolled into one and the time I spend with him is perfect, like my own personally crafted paradise.
It was our second week together and everything was going swell. We had just come from his home to meet up with my parents, several hours away. We found that the condo they had rented was much too small for all of us to stay in together for a week so we looked around got a studio only a mile or so away. I decided to take it and let Ian have the couch with my parents in the other condo. This worked out well because everyone knows how girls are about bathrooms.
This condo had an atmosphere of freedom. It was my place where I had all the privacy I wanted. I was in charge of me and not dependant on my parents, a new experience for me. With it came a newfound relaxation, an experimental attitude. But mostly, it was a private haven to escape to that I could mold into the romantic world of my creation. Bliss.
The Day started out normally. I woke up, called my parents and had Ian delivered to my place. We both just knew that this was it. Both of us being virgins, we didn’t know quite what to expect, but we had a good idea so we went in search of a store that sold condoms and lubrication. Easier said then done. We figured gas stations would have something, but we were unpleasantly surprised. After talking to a few too many nosey old ladies about where to get candles and other unmentionable supplies, we were directed to a Safeway. Bit of irony in the name?
We headed to my parents condo to get a ride back to mine since it way much too hot to walk all the way and once there with the condoms and lube under my sweatshirt I couldn’t take it and burst out laughing, pulling a not so smooth maneuver and running into the bathroom, leaving my man to deal with my dad. We had talked to him about our plans before because we figured it was a big step and if anything happened our parents would be involved I the consequences so they should at least be allowed to have a say and be informed. I’m sure he knew what my hysteria was about but he was tactful enough not to mention it to me.
We were both nervous so when we got to my condo we decided to take a walk. I had often pictured how I wanted the first time, how perfect I wanted it, and there were always flower petals on the bed and candles. And time to make it perfect. Of course it was always with the man of my dreams. And Ian certainly is that. It occurred to me that the two carnations we bought simply wouldn’t have enough petals, so very slyly we plucked flowers from the surrounding garden.
This was when the little problems began, things that made it unique to him and I, to laugh about then and later. Perhaps had he not been my best friend and boyfriend for so long it would have been uncomfortable, but instead it was just funny. Quirky and totally us.
Unfortunatly, on the flowers we had chosen, the petals were all attached, so we had to rip each one apart, which took forever. I’m sure Ian just wanted to get on with it, but he’s a wonderful man and humored me. We discovered the problem with picking fresh flowers quickly. Fresh flowers have fresh bugs…in the bed. Ignoring that we lit the candles and got the massage oil I had thought ahead to pack. We took off our clothing, both very familiar and comfortable with each other’s bodies, and just drank in the site of each other in the half-light. He’s very handsome (tall, blond with beautiful blue eyes, a deliciously lick-able stomach and long legs. I’m 5’2, long gold/brown hair and eyes that go between brown and green depending on my mood and lighting, and DDD breasts, which thankfully, he loves.)We started out with light kissing,then him sucking/licking my breasts, trying to calm our nerves and when that didn’t work we took turns giving each other a slow massage. That calmed me down to where I felt like everything was just a dream.
I have always heard that to make the first time easier a girl should be licked first, so I turned over to lay on my back. I realized one of the candles had run down the wood and was melting all over the table. We had to stop the foreplay and get paper towels to put under the leaky candles. Minor disaster number two!
Once everything was under control, Ian began to lick me, slowly putting in four fingers, one at a time, to stretch me so that he’d fit better. He’s the perfect size, almost up to his belly button in length and my hand can barely fit around him. I was worried about how much it would hurt, from all the horror stories I’ve heard. He’s incredible at licking me and he knows just what to do to make me have a really intense orgasm. After I came we got out a condom and tried to put it on, but because he was trembling (or maybe a little inexperienced) it got twisted and we had to get a new one. By the time we got out a second, and put it on, then put on some lube for good measure, his erection was lost. I’m sure it was a combination of nerves and boredom, and it wasn’t a big deal, but he was embarassed which only made the little problem (pun) funnier.
Since we obviously couldn’t make love with and unhappy Pokey(my name for his penis) I did what I could to perk Pokey up, licking and sucking him until he was fully erect again, and then lay on my back. He had trouble guiding himself into my hole because he couldn’t see it from that angle, but he was finally able to and it slipped in easily. He said he couldn’t feel me pop and it didn’t hurt too badly and soon it started to feel wonderful. I wrapped myself around him with my arms around him and we felt so incredibly close. After awhile on my back we moved into me on top but it didn’t work as well because I felt so inexperienced, I didn’t know how to move and keep him inside me. We changed to doggie-style, my favorite and we both started moving faster until he came.
We lay there holding each other in the near dark and then my mother called. I pretended to be sleeping so she gave me a couple more hours. We touched each other lovingly and played with each other’s bodies in the familiar way that long time couples have until we were both aroused and wanted to do it again. So we did. He lasted along time, every time we did it which suprised me, because he was a beginner. Altogether it was like an incredible dream, a fairytale where even the tiniest details were perfect, and the minor disasters just added character to the memory. I assume everyone has little problems and I don’t understand how they live through embarrassing moments like those when they are with strangers. I’m glad I waited until I had found the right person. I felt like we gave each other the most incredible present of all in giving ourselves and I know it was as special to him as it was to me.
FYIWe are still together, and plan to be forever. We were able to make our first time so special by being open with each other and just talking about what we wanted/needed. We figured if we were ready for sex then we had better be ready to be honest with each other about our sexual expectations. If you’re a virgin, and thinking about having sex, make sure you love him/her and do whatever you can to make your time special and memorable.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience