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Cherry popper!

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: his bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I have been going out with this guy for 2 months and all my friends were so jelous because he was SOOOOO!!! Hot. He was RIPPED!

So one night after coming back from a dance at school he drove me home. But, I was suprised that I was at his house. He asked if I wanted to come in and have a drink. My parents were away and they weren’t expecting me so I agreed. I went to his house and he gave me a coke. I kissed him and he gulped (we have never fooled around and I was a little nervous to) so he kissed me( on the lip). I put my mouth up to his and we french kissed for about two mintues. He was SOOO!! good. I took his hand and he lead me up to his room. I started french kissing again and rubbing his crotch as he massaged my breast. I was so turned on. I took of his pants and gave the best blow job I knew how( but he didn’t blow his load) His penis was HUGE!!! like 8 inches or something. Then he lifted me up with his muscular arms and put my nake body on to of his penis. It was so warm! He slipped on a condom. Then he raised me up and asked if I was sure and I wispered yes.

He trusted me into hes hard penis. It hurt so bad!!!!!! But the pleasure was amazing. We had sex switching between different position. He blowed his load 4-5 times and I was in tears and panting so heavly. Then saw blood and I got really scared. Then my boy friend told me it was normal. We both got into the shower and he explored my body and I explored his. Then we both fell asleep in his bed and woke up the next morning SORE!!! Lucky his parents weren’t home.:)

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