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Cherry Soldier

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Czechoslovakia
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

In the weeks just after World War II I was a truck driver with an engineering unit. We were fixing roads and bridges for the occupation army just across the German border in Czechoslavokia. The area had been heavily bombed and fought over. Most of the men were gone, either killed or POWs. Dogs and horses had been eaten and the local people were desperate for food. In a pattern which I guess had been repeated since Roman days, some women in the area resorted to selling their bodies to the conquering army to feed their families.
My buddies Carl and Tim had heard about a girl who was available for food and invited me to join them when we got passes. At 17 I was the youngest guy in the outfit and I was referred to as Cherry. Of course, I denied my virginity and pretended to have all sorts of experience but nobody believed it. We got a rucksack full of powdered eggs, dried milk, Spam and Hershey bars and went to town.
Carl’s directions took us to an apartment in a partially destroyed building. An old woman (I guess the grandmother) opened the door. Carl spoke enough German to explain that we wanted the fraulien. the old lady accepted the food and invited us in. Three boys were playing in the living room. A girl of maybe 15 or 16 was standing looking out the window. She was small and thin, barely 5 feet tall, with short brown hair and wearing a flower printed dress. Carl and the old lady spoke and Carl explained that her name was Marta. He and Marta went down a hallway leaving Tim and me in the living room. In a few minutes we could clearly hear the sounds of a couple at sex through the walls. The two younger boys kept on playing but the oldest boy glared angrily at Tim and me. He knew what we were there to do to his sister. Soon we heard Carl cry out in his orgasm and he returned grinning. Tim went down the hall and then it was my turn. Carl and Tim slapped me on the back and cheered me on with “Go get her Cherry” or something as I nervously headed toward Marta.
She was in a bedroom with several mattresses lying on the floor. The ceiling was partially collapsed and the windows were broken. Marta was sitting on a mattress, a sheet pulled up to her neck. When I undressed I was so scared that my erection wilted away. Embarrassed, I layed down on the mattress and Marta stretched out beside me. She was quite small breasted, maybe only an A cup, but they were the first tits I had ever seen other than a glimpse of one of my sisters. As I nuzzled them and suckled on her large brown nipples Marta gently stroked my hair. That little gesture of affection meant a lot to a lonesome scared kid.
Soon Marta pried me away from her breasts and by pointing between her mouth and crotch asked me what kind of sex I wanted. I pointed at her vagina and she produced a GI condom. Although I didn’t want to wear one I was glad to see she used them. I had been quite apprehensive about following Carl and Tim for what guys in the barracks called Sloppy Seconds or, in this case, Thirds. My penis was still flaccid but Marta stroked me a few times with her hand and got the condom on me. I mounted her Missionary style and she guided me inside her. As I entered her and began thrusting clumsily into her vagina, Marta began speaking softly in Czech. I had no idea what she was saying but I remember how erotic it seemed as she spoke quietly, her eyes shut, as I fucked her. Like most guys I didn’t last long my first time. I quickly ejaculated, got dressed and emerged to the congratulations of my buddies
All these years later I still feel badly about using Marta the way we did. At a time she should have been worrying about acne and algebra she was forced to do what was needed to feed her family. I hope she went on to a good life as a wife and mother and was able to forget all those guys like me.

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