Where it happened: My room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Well if u are thinking there is a guy in this story your wrong so u probably wont want to read this but for those of u are do heer goes!It was a hot afternoon and i was on the internet i saw these nude sights so i checked them out now i am not the kind of person who would usually do that but i just broke up with my boy friend and was feelin sad so i did.Then i came ti this sight and it asked me if i was older then 18 (of course i answered yes)then it asked if i wanted to see guys play with themselves or girls?For some weird reason i put girls.When i saw them i felt horny!
i kinda liked the feeling so i went on it everyday then one day our school got this new girl so i became her friend one day when she was at my house staying over night p.s her name was Mary Kate)Anyway i went to that sight and she said that they made her horney and i said they made me fell like that to!Later thet month i took my flash light and used it as a dick with my blankets and started humping it i felt that feelling again it was good later i asked my dad if he could help me with this problem he said the only way to find out was if we both got naked and tried it!It was good but his dick was really big it kinda hurt when it went into my vagina!But he lick me like no other!Then that friend came over a night later and asked what i was doin yesterday i had to tell my dad was banging me so i did!She was suprised and asked if he would bang her!Wich i thought was odd but he wasnt home we both wanted to get horny so we started doing what i used to do hump the flash light with the blankets then when we were bothding it on my bed i rolled over and fell on her she looked up and got of my bed and took of all her close and i did to then she started licking me i was confused i wasnt a lesbian!I FELT bad the next day at school i had to do it with a guy or i wold die thinking im a lesbian the closest guy was my dad we had done it once before and it hurt but he was my only chance!So i rounded Mary Kate and him up and got on his bed ………..