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Childhood Sex

Age when it happend: 8
Where it happened: Girl's bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

When I was growing up, we lived in a 4 unit apartment bldg which was actually a large house that was converted into apartment units. I was approx 8 yrs old when Judy and her mom and dad moved into the apartment bldg. Judy was 2 or 3 yrs older than I and we became playmates and friends immediately. Judy was tall for her age and just begining to show that she was growing into womanhood. She was very pretty with long blond hair and little nubs for breasts. We were constant companions for the 2 to 3 years that we lived in the bldg together. Both of her parents worked so we had her apartment for ourselves for much of the time. A few months after they moved in, Judy and I started to explore our bodies together..I’m not sure how that all started wheather it was Judy or I who initiated the thing.

We started by going into Judy’s bedroom to show each other our bodies..We would take off all of our clothes and examine each other closely. At first it was simple child curiosity. Judy would take my penis in her hand, and examine it very closely.. balls, head, pee hole, etc. Although I was only 8 yrs old, I got an erection when Judy did this to me. Then I would do the same with her…she would spread her legs and I would lay flat on my stomach and examine her pussy…feel the lips, finger it, and rub her clit….she really liked it when I rubbed her clit. We did this every day for the next week or so. Then one day, Judy said that she wanted to do some other things. The night before she creeped into her parants bedroom and watched them have sex. Judy wanted to try the things that her parants had done.

We got undressed like we always did then Judy said that she saw her Mom kissing her Dad’s penis while her Dad moved his fingers in and out of her Mom’s pussy. First Judy had me lay flat on my back, then she started to massage my pecker until it started to get hard…then she bent down and put my cock in her mouth. We decided later that she wasn’t doing it right because my cock was just in her mouth and she wasn’t sucking it. Then Judy laid back and instructed me to work my middle finger inside her pussy…at first it was real tight, then it got easier as her pussy got wetter.

We played with each other like this for over an hour. and we got better with our techniques..Judy was now sucking my cock and I was doing a better job fingering her and rubbing her clit.

The next day, I went over to Judy’s apartment as soon as her parents left for work. We started our love making from where we left off the day before. Judy sucked me until I reached my climax (with no ejaculation). I worked Judy’s cunt and clit with my fingers until she reached her climax. Then Judy got me hard again by sucking me, then instructed me to push my pecker into her pussy that she had spread out waiting for me. At first it was difficult, but as we kept at it, we got better at fucking. Our sexual encounters continued for several weeks. Then one day Judy showed me a magazine that she found in her parents bedroom. It had pictures of men and women having sex together..different positions and things like anal sex, guy eating pussy, etc. Needless to say, we agreed to try the things that we saw in the magazine. It was great. Soon Judy went into puberty including the monthly menstral cycle. Judy became more hot and agressive…which I liked. We continued to have sex together until Judy and her family moved. We lost contact with each other.

This story may be hard to believe, but it is true.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience