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Chinese Food

Age when it happend: 25
Where it happened: His Place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

Well I was working at my parents chinese food restraunt. It was okay we always had alot of money comming in. My friends used to come in and say hi and I used to stop working and talk to them. I was in college at the time. There used to be this guy that would always come in with his friends. They worked for this big company in the state and they come and try to flirt with me and he would just tell them to shut up. One day they came and he asked me if I could sit down with him and he asked how would I like to go on a date with him and I said I don’t know if I had to work and my my mom heard me and she said to go and I aske why are you listening and she smiled and I said okay and I ask where would we be going. He said to this company party that they meet with other companies and I need a person onmy side. I said okay and I said I have to get back to work He said it would be tomorrow night and said to wear something classy and I gave him my number he left.

That night I got out the shower I wore a black dress with heels and with my hair down. I looked in the mirror and I asked my friend do I look okay and she said fine she asked have I been tanning and I said yeah why she said I look pretty. Then I heard the door bell rang and I answered it he came in and I said I’m ready and we left. When we walked in I was amazed and they were giving drinks at the door he took one and I didn’t take one I really don’t drink he found a table in his name and we sat and eat. He askeed do I go to school and I said yeah and this couple came up and they were his parents and they said hi and looked at me. I intoduced myself and they were very nice and said you’re so beautiful and I said thank you.

Then it was time to leave and I saw this little boy crying and I walked over and I bent down and I asked what’s wrong he didn’t say anything and I said you’ too cute to be crying and he kind of stoped and I talked to himand his mom came up and I gave him this braelet and I said if you wish the tears will go away and he smiled and said thank you and I said you’re welcome and gaved him a huged and his mom said thank you and I turned around and he said you’re great with kids and I said I am. We got to his house it was a bachelor pad and I walked in and said this is really nice. I looked in his kitchen and I said it’s dirty and he said yeah that why I always eat out. I helped him cleaned the dishes and I sked do you go to school and he said no he already graduated and I said oh. When we were done I sat on his counter and I said my feet hurt and I tookk off my shoe and he grabed one of them and started rubbing. He said I had soft feet and I said I just got my feet done andi had a french pedicure and he got up and came over and kissed me. Iasked what was thah for and he said I don’t know and started kissing me harder. I started kissing back and he carried me to the couch. He then started to take off my dress and he said I didn’t know you worked out and tanned. I smiled. He took off his shirt and I felt his six pack. He then got up and said come here and I got up followed him to his room he locked the door and we started kissing and I stoped and said I have to tell you something he asked wha and I said I’m a virgin and he said and and I looked at himand started kissing him we took off all our clothes he got some lube and a condom and I asked what was the bottle he said lube it makes it less painful. He then enetred and I gasped for air and he went steady and slow until he picked up the pace. I started moaning and breathing heavy We were starting to sweat. He went harder and deeper than I expected. He leaned over and kissed me. Then I said oh my god and he went fast grabing me by my hip and I said auhh,oh my god. He then stoped and I moved my hair and he asked was I okay I said mm huh still breathing heavy. He then got up and went through his closet and brought out a toy and I aske wht was it he said it was a sex toy and I saw it befor because my friend bought one. I said I don’t know snd he convinced me ito using it and he puted some lube over it and he puted it in me it hand a cord and he seted it on high and he asked did I like it and I said it was good and we started kissing he went very hard to the point the bed was shaking and the headboard was hitting the wall. I started speaking chinese and I thought he got turned on and went harer and he mad me climaxed. I clutched the sheeets he felt my flat stomach and he cameed he leaned over and asked was it good and I said yeah and kissed him i then got out the vibrator and I turned over and went to sleep and I asked does this mean I’m spending the night and he kissed me and said yeah. I kissed him back and he said I love your food and I said thank you.

I woke up next morning and I heard him and his friends talking down stairs and I got up and grabing and wraping the sheets around me and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower and I found my bag with my jeans in ther just in case and I threw those on and a long sleeved t-shirt and my nikes on. I looked at the bed and I took the sheets off and I wernt downstairs and I saw them talking and I said good morning and they said ggod morning and I heard them say did you really and he said I’m not saying nothing his friends came and asked me and I said why are you asking me and they smiled and left. I saw himand I kissed himand he kissed me and asked did you have a wonderful time last night and I said yeah and he said me too. He then asked me if I ever masterbated and I said no and he said that why you were so tight and I said yeah and he said very good. I asked was that good he said yeah and we went out and played at some game rooms.

Now we are still together.

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