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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: bus shelter!!
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i was walking home from my grans house when i spoted a really fit lad sittin ova @ the bus shelta that i knew from skool……he was proper fyne we kinda had a history i jst went and started to talk to him and he asked if i wanted to go back to his i said yeah why not ….when the bus come we got on and went rite to the bac where we kissed on cuddled and then he started touchin me up…..when we got of at the stop by his house he coodnt stop touchin me,an then i new wot was guna happen,i coodnt w8!i just sed to him do u kno wat would be funny if we do it here…he looked at me and then smiled. he took off my top and i was standin in the bus shelta wiv just my bra,skirt and knee lengths on!he unzipped his trousers and took out his 12″ nob and sed god u exite me!!! and asked me if i was sure i sed yeah !! as we started gettin down to business 2 old biddies wlked past and started shouting but we wrnt really listening all i cood hear was his heavy breathing in my ear as he pulsated inside me!! “Ouch” i screamed… then he cum and it was ova he still wanted me to go back to his to do it agen but i sed no and waited for the next bus…..we arranged to meet agen at the bus shelta the nxt day…

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