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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: gilfriends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

It was my 13’th birthday, and of course I had all my friends over, and we were boozing it, seeing as my parents weren’t home. I had benn going through puberty since I was 10, and I was almost as sexually mature then, as I am now. Anyway, because of this I had sexual urges every time I was with my girlfriend, lets call her Fran. We had been going out for about 3 months, and we hadn’t got past oral sex. She was the most mature girl in the 8’th grade, she had double d breasts (or at least she told me, I didnt really care when I was sucking them). After the party everyone was insanly drunk, so we stumbled our way to my gilrfrinds house, 2 blocks down, she had a rad stereo, so we all agreed to go there, her parents were out for the weekend.
When we got there we cranked up the music, and everyone started dancing, really slow and kind of sexually, It almost looked like they all were feeling their dates up, which they were! Fran told me how turned on she was, and that she wanted to go all the way, of course I didn’t disagree, and we went up into here parents room. She startd to strip down, first her blouse, which I was on top of as soon as it was off, the she slid her skirt off, I helped here then by sliding her panties off. She could feel my hard dick, and slid here hand down my pants, my dick was aching to be let free, so I quickly slid down my pants and my boxers, and shoved my disck in her mouth. She sucked for about a minute then looked uo at me and moaned, “take me now” I rolled onto the ground and she mounted me, she was tight, my dick slid in nicely though, it was the best feeling I had ever experienced. I started pumping, in and out, until she arched her back and moaned, and her pussy started tightening, and shaking, I knew she wanted my cum in her, so I started pumping harder, until i could feel my cum pumping, I stopped for a second to enjoy the moment, then spilled the biggest load of my young life. She rolled off of me, nd we went back downstairs, all my friends wondered where we had been, we never told them. Me and Fran roke up a month later, she said somethig like the sex wasn’t good anymore (Like she knew what she was talking about) I knew there was another reason, but I got over it.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience