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Chrissy Boy

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Cousin's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My cousin Chris and I always had a great relationship growing up. It all started back when I was in Junior High. I would walk to his house everyday after school, and we would do normal kid stuff, play basketball, swim, play PS2, etc. I would eat over then go home. One day when his parents went to the store and he said “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours! Haha, just kidding”. Then he came over behind me while i was playing PS2 and hugged me and pretended to hump me. Then he put his hand on my zipper and pulled it down and said “do you care”, and I said no. So he unzipped my pants and touched my penis, then zipped my pants up and laughed. Then he said “Look” and his penis was out and he asked if I wanted to touch, so I did. We eventually jacked off together. After that day, it led to the pool. We both knew we wanted to do it again but we both didn’t want to be the one to ask to do it because we were embarrassed. So we were swimming around and playing basketball in the pool, then he said, “Let’s play shark!” Which is when you try and swim underwater from one side to the to the other before the other person “The Shark” pulls you up. So we played and I was the shark, then he wanted to be. So on the first game I went for it and he tried to pull me up but instead reached down my bathing suit and jacked me off underwater for a second. We got above water and looked at each other and laughed. He then said, “Do you wanna?” So I said yeah and we got naked. Jacked off for a little while then went inside. No one was home so we went upstairs to shower and he said I could go first. I got in and then I herd the door open and he said, “Hey, let me come in”. So he came in with me and we touched each other for about 10 minutes and got out. This repeated for a good two years, then Freshman year came along and we were out of state for a family party, and we stayed an extra day and our families left. That night we were swimming and he said, “Have you ever sucked another kid’s penis?” I of course said no so he said let’s try. I did him first and he loved it. I really didn’t mind his penis in my mouth, it was about 4 1/2 inches long, mine was about 6 1/2 inches. Then he went down on me and about 5 seconds later he came up saying he can’t do it. So I got mad and then I let it go. We went to bed together on an air-mattress in the spare bedroom and jacked each other off again. This continued for about a year and a half. Then as we got older we didn’t see each other as much but when we did we both sucked each other off until we both came out of our penis’. Now that we’re both 18, when we do sleep over for a family gathering we still enjoy our suck sessions and jacking off sessions. Both have girlfriends but we feel like there’s nothing wrong with it if it’s only a few times a year.

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