What a frustration not to remember when it happened the first time!
When I was 14, I started an in-depth study of my early childhood. Mostly because I felt as if I have lost something extremely precious. I used our family photo album and big family events to try and figure out the dates of specific experiences I had. My conclusion is that I had stumbled upon orgasms by the time I was 5. I honestly don’t know how old I was the first time I experienced one and, unfortunately, I can not remember the first one.
My earliest orgasms came through 3 definite practises:
1. Humping and rubbing against things: I used to hump a lot. Sometimes wearing all my clothes, sometimes just my underwear, sometimes while wearing pants without underwear and sometimes totally naked. I got a little swimming pool for my 4’th birthday. I remember my speedo type costume and dragging myself through the water while my penis rubbed against the bottom. The orgasms that I got through humping took longer to get to but lasted longer. It would build up and I would ride the edge for a while before the big final orgasm.
Sometimes I went to the toilet and humped the wall or the water basin – with or without clothes and sometimes in my underwear. The basin was nice because my body curled in underneath it.
2. Playing the guitar: I ‘played guitar’ with my penis. I slapped the tip of my penis with my fingers. I also did this sometimes wearing all my clothes, sometimes just my underwear, sometimes while wearing pants without underwear and sometimes totally naked. My best orgasms were when I was only in my underwear or naked. When I was naked, I focused my guitar playing on the tip of my foreskin, slapping it between my fingers. The orgasm was focused in my penis that throbbed like mad. When I was wearing my briefs or pants, I focused the slapping at the tip of my penis. It was something between playing a guitar and a drum. The feelings were quite different. When I was naked it was much more intense. When I was only wearing pants it was almost hurtful. I was aware of my scrotum bumping against my pants. When I was wearing my nylon briefs it was as if the feeling spread right around to my buttocks. Sometimes I pushed the briefs in between my but cheeks – like a G-string. I was very well aware of the feeling in my bum.
Weather I was clothed or naked, I was always in a standing position. When the orgasm came my legs would give way under me. I fell to my ankles and shot up straight again – 3, 4 or 5 times. The orgasms I got this way came much faster. It didn’t last as long as the ones I got through humping but they were much more violent. My little body shook out of control, leaving me weak and trembling,
I had a crust on my penis were the shaft connected to my body. I don’t know if it was because I was playing with myself so regularly. I also remember that my glance and foreskin sometimes burned and itched a little bit. I can still recall the combined feeling of tremendous pleasure, accompanied by the burning and itching sensation.
3. Swimming pool water suction, water jet or hosepipe. I got a plastic boat for my 7’th birthday. Everyday after school I would go skinny-dipping in our swimming pool and play with the boat. But the boat interested me only for a little while. I started experimenting with the suction side of the water pump. It had a hose that was just higher than the tip of my foreskin when I stood on my toes. The water that rushed past my foreskin made it flutter. It produced very quick orgasms. I can still remember my little toes boring into the swimming pool bottom when the pleasure came. The problem was that as the orgasm approached, I stood higher and higher on my toes and sometimes my whole little penis was sucked in. This was quite painful. After my discovery I also started using the water jet and even the garden hosepipe if the water jet wasn’t as strong as I wanted it to be. I used the same method – concentrating the force of the water on my foreskin so that it can flutter.
I am extremely sensitive to touch. Many of my clothes aroused me while wearing them. I remember my speedo type swimming briefs I had at the age of 4 and 5. I remember the feeling of my nylon briefs. I remember the feeling of my T-shirts against my skin and how my trousers rubbed against my pelvis when I didn’t wear underpants. I had an underpants fetish as far back as I can remember, although I seldom wore any. I only wore briefs to school and took them of as soon as I got home. During holidays I never wore them, except to masturbate. There is a photo of me at the age of 7, wearing my sister’s ballet type costume, in the shape of girly swimming clothes and made of slippery nylon. I do not think my parents new this but I can clearly remember the reason for wearing this! It made me extremely Horney! Underneath I was wearing about 10 pairs of underwear the one over the other. I use to love doing this. The thick layer of underwear squeezed so hard against my pelvis that I was able to hump in the air. I use to spread my legs apart and push my pelvis forward and backwards, making my penis very happy!
My brothers and sister are much older than me and therefore I was alone most of the time. I built houses in the living room with chairs and blankets and then got in underneath, totally naked. Because the roof of the blanket house were low, I would stand on my knees and play guitar with my foreskin. Getting orgasms while on my knees felt slightly different from standing. It was as if the orgasm were more in my upper body.
I also had wonderful orgasm while wearing my Judo clothes. I took judo lesions for 1 year when I was 7. Sometimes I would wear my nylon briefs under the white, cotton pants and sometimes I wore them without underwear. The classes use to be at the back of a dry-cleaning service. While the coach were busy with the bigger kids I use to go to the front of the shop, were the customers use to come during the day. It was dark in there but the street lights shone through the display windows. Once or twice I took of all my clothes and stood in the display area. It was so exciting looking into the street and being totally naked. I had a wonderful, knee collapsing, wild body shaking orgasm right there at the age of 7 while playing guitar with my foreskin.
I don’t think I started using the normal pump action until I was 9 or 10 years old. It was always humping, playing guitar or the swimming pool for me. I had wonderful childhood sexual years and I do not regret them. I do long for them though. It is as if a part of me never grew up and I still want to be that boy of 7. Things were uncomplicated till about 12. After that, masturbation started to became connected to girls and boys. It was not anymore a simple act of wonder. I am happily married and love my kid but I’m not sexually fulfilled. No matter how hard I try, nothing measures up with the experiences I had when I was a small boy. It is a constant void.