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Christmas Eve – 1956

Age when it happend: 26
Where it happened: Japanese Inn
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It happened 57 years ago, but I remember it today as clearly as if it were yesterday. I was in the Army, stationed in Yokohama, Japan.I was dating this beautiful Japanese girl by the name of Yoko, and on Christmas Eve, 1956, we took the train down to Yokosuka, to attend a Lutheran Christmas Eve service. I was a life-long Lutheran and Yoko had converted from Buddhism to Episcopalian, before I met her. It was a nice service attended by quite a few at the Naval Base. After the service we wanted to take the train back to Yokohama, but it was late, and at the station we learned that the last train for Yokohama had already left. What to do? Well, we couldn’t spend the night out in the cold, so we found a small Japanese Ryokan (Inn), and, as luck would have it, the Mama-san who ran the place had one small room left that was available. I paid her, and she showed us to the room. It was small, with only one bed (Futon),but it was large enough for the two of us. It was the first time we had slept together, although we had planned on being married anyway, so, we simply took off our clothes and got underneath the nice warm covers. What a great feeling it was, with Yokos soft skin against mine. Of course we had sex. We had both wanted it for along time. What a Christmas gift!I had never felt anything so great as being inside her body and giving her all the life-giving sperm I had in me! I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

On Christmas day we took the train back to Yokohama. On January 12 we got married. We came to the States the following October. Altogether we had three children — two boys and a girl, and we are still married today. ANd the sex is still great!!

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