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Church Bus BJ

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Church Bus
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I admit it, I am “old” now compared to most of the people writing their stories on this website. How old? Let’s just say I come from an era when people learned how to write and spell. I sure miss those days….

I don’t enjoy the writing styles of most kids nowadays, but I do enjoy reading the stories. And even though the way kids write has changed, the things “kids” do haven’t. And just because a person tries to write intelligibly doesn’t mean they aren’t amateur writers or that their stories aren’t true!

I’d like to share the first time I was given a blow job. My first time having intercourse didn’t come (cum?) until later but it wasn’t nearly as memorable as my first bj, so here is my story:

The summer after graduating from high school I was in a high school band / choir from my church. We traveled in a large charter bus around the western US and Canada and did concerts almost every night for three weeks. Prior to the trip I had dated a blonde cutie a year younger than me named Diane. We had had several episodes of me rubbing her inside her pants and sucking on her boobs but she had never seen me or touched me “down there”. I honestly don’t remember why but even though we were both in the choir we broke up just before the trip.

Throughout the entire trip I enjoyed being friendly with all the girls on the bus and did my share of flirting and I was friendly with Diane because our relationship ended on good terms but we didn’t attempt to hook up again. That changed on the last night, however.

Immediately after our last gig we were headed home. It was about a sixteen hour bus ride so the driver was going to drive all night. I ended up sitting next to Diane and everyone had pillows and blankets to make it easier to sleep. The band director and youth pastor were sitting across the aisle and one row in front of us and every seat in the bus was occupied. The lights were out and everyone was trying to sleep. I was sitting next to the window and Diane leaned her head on my shoulder as we tried to go to sleep. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really sleep because I was acutely aware of her hand resting on my thigh under the blanket and memories of the past things we had done kept me wide awake. I didn’t know for sure if she was awake or not and if she was aware of what she was doing to me but I decided to find out.

I repositioned myself so that I could reach under the blanket and across our bodies and could put my right hand on her thigh. She was wearing very tight white shorts with snaps instead of buttons or a zipper and her leg was exposed all the way up to her crotch. When I put my hand there she moaned and snuggled a little closer so I knew she was awake. We couldn’t start making out like old times because PDA (public display of affection) was against the rules since it was a church group, so all I could do above the blanket was kiss her on the top of her head. But under the blanket my fingers were rubbing her pussy outside her shorts and then began very slowly working the snaps undone, trying not to make any noise.
Diane was always ready and eager for me to rub her and this was no exception even though we were no longer bf and gf. She even helped me out by raising her hips off the seat so I could work her pants and panties down to her mid thigh and have better access to her pussy. We had to make sure the blanket didn’t move and literally expose what we were doing to anyone else on the bus.
All during our relationship Diane had never actually touched my cock with her hand even outside our clothes. She loved it when I would dry hump her but that was it. But as I was fingering her under the blanket I felt her hand move to the front of my shorts and, after some rubbing, she began fumbling with the buttons on my cutoffs. OMG I couldn’t believe she was doing that because I had never had a girl actually be forward enough to make a move on me! I was afraid that if we took too long someone would wake up and figure out what was going on in our seats so I decided to help her out by undoing my shorts myself. After releasing my rock hard cock she helped me pull them down my thighs like hers were. We then spent the next half hour or so pretending like we were asleep so no one would suspect anything but rubbing each other. I think the only reason I didn’t cum was because, honestly, her hand felt different than mine did when I rubbed myself.
I had gone down on Diane a couple of times when we were dating and she loved it but she never indicated any desire to return the favor. But this night on the bus with 48 people surrounding us including our youth pastor she decided she wanted to taste me. She gradually slid down and I scooted over closer to the window so she was sort of laying in her seat with her head in my lap. I covered her head with a pillow and she pulled the blanket down so she could take me in her mouth. While I could keep from cumming with her hand I wasn’t nearly as successful with her tongue and lips licking and sucking on me. The thought of how naughty we were being along with the risk of being caught and, mostly, the knowledge that I was feeling my cock actually inside a girl for the first time, quickly sent me over the top. I warned her (very quietly) that I was going to cum–fully expecting her to stop–but she just kept going. How I kept from waking up the entire bus I’ll never know as I came harder than I ever remembered cumming. She swallowed all she could and then licked her lips and raised her head to give me a kiss. We were passing through a town and the street lights gave just enough light in the dark bus that I could see some of my cum on her chin and a look in her eyes that seemed to say, “Did I do okay?” Dumb question.
I seriously considered getting back together with her in hopes that we could have more times like that in the future, but we knew it wouldn’t work out cuz we both wanted a relationship that was more than just sex. And that was the last time Diane and I were together in real life, but she continues to frequent my erotic memories.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience