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City boy showing a country girl how it done

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: camp
Langauge: enlish
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

OK i hate to say it but i lost mine last year. At sleep away camp. I came in the middle of the season. It was only my second day and i had already been asked out many times broken with a guy and now i dating this kid brom queens. Lets just say he took things a lot faster than me. I can be a dumblonde sometimes so when he asked me to meet him by the outlook after lights out( it a wide bench with pillows and a roof on it overlooking the lake) i didnt relize what he wanted. I hate to say but i am a sap for romactics, and he brought me a flower. We had onl been going out for less than a day so makeingout i thought was a big deal. so their we are making out, when he slips his hand down my pj. bottoms and slips my thong out. he starts finering me. This was the the most i have ever done with a buy. Just for fun i start making sex noises. I guess that turned him on so he slips his dick out for me, and i start sucking it. A few minutes later where naked making out in the mudd. he slips his dick inside of me and starts pumping. I to caught up in the moment to relize what going on. finally when it done i go back to my bunk. the next day he tells everyone about it. We end up having sex up by the lookout everyday for the rest of camp( witch is two weeks). I didnt even know that some of the other camper watched us from the bushes. I lost my rep for bening a good girl and now i not a virgin

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