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Clair and Storm

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: at camp
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

The first time I had sex was when I was 15. I had long, naturally curly hair and ocean blue eyes, slightly larger than average breasts, and a thin tight body.

The boy I had sex with was named Storm. He was 17 at the time and 2 years ahead of me at school. He had brown hair that was almost always in his eyes which were so dark blue they looked almost black. He was muscular and was the quarterback of the football team.

Storm and I had met at a summer camp just outside of our town for musicaly gifted students. Storm played the gutiar and I played the violin. It was my first year and his third. We talked a little at lunch and during the group bonfires at night but that was it so I was slightly suprised to hear a knock on my cabins door late at night only to see him standing on the other side.

We talked about school and other things until he told me he needed to go back to his cabin but before he left he asked me to meet him by the lake tomorow at 11 p.m. I agreed and went back inside.

The next day we didn’t talk at all but I was quick to put the kids in my cabin to bed after the bonfire. Once they were all in bed, I started getting ready. I wore a black and white laced bra with a matching thong, a form fitting tank-top, jeans, and a light jacket.Once I checked to make sure all of the kids were asleep, I headed out.

When I got to the lake, I imedietly spotted Storm leaning against a tree and walked up to him. He took my hand without a work and let me into the small forest to our right.

Once we had walked for about a half an hour, he stopped at a picnic table full of foods and candels. We ate some of the food and then talked about our summer plans.

In the middle of our conversation, he immediatly stopped, looked me in the eye and said Clair will you go out with me? I couldn’t believe my ears and probably staired at him like an idiot for quite awhile but then replied yes.

He smilled and then slid over by me and we starded cuddling. We sat their for awhile looking at the trees when he started rubbing his hand up and down my back. We laid down and he started sliding his hand up under my shirt sliding his fingers up and down my spine. I did the same to him, feeling his muscles. Then he started unzipping my jacket and pulled it off then did the same to my shirt. I quickly stood up and pulled off my jeans leaving me in just my braw and thong.

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