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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: At my house, in my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I lost my virginity when I was 15 nearly 16 though. Me and my friends had always dreamt of losing it at prom but it happened earlier and don’t regret a thing of it. Me and my boyfriend who I’m still with now were both happy about the whole thing and he was still a virgin too so it would be very memorable for us.

So here we go:
It was on a friday when my boyfriend Jonathon was at my house for the weekend because my parents and my brother had gone away for the weekend and I satyed because I was supposed to be ‘revising’ for some major upcoming tests.We were actually planning for it to happen to Jonathon had gotten some condoms and lubricants and I was on the pill. We were watching a really romantic comedy movie to set the mood of love when Jonathon placed his lips upon mine and kissed me ever so passionately for about 5 minutes.It felt so nice and I couldn’t resist him at all! After, he started feeling me up and then I said do you wanna go upstairs and he said yes. He carried me upstairs and chucked me onto my bed and then leaped upon me and we made out hardcore for quite a while. He was still feeling me everywhere as we kissed. When we had finished he said ”do want to do it now?” and I was like oaky then coz I had been waiting for this moment to come so badly.He stripped his clothes off and then gently took off my clothes. I wasn’t a bit embarrased of him seeing me because we had seen eachother naked a number of time before- in bed, in the shower/bath and in oral. We then made out a bit more then when everthing was all ready he said, ”you know that i reaally love you (my name), i will do my best not to hurt yoy so if you want me stop i will and won’t carry on until you want me to:-)” i told him I loved him aswell the kissed him gently. Just before he was about to put om a condom, I told him not because I was on the pill. He asked if I was sure and I reassured him with a yes. I was wet by then and his penis was hard so it would be easier to enter my vagina. With my word go, he inserted his cock gently and move it back and forth ever so slightly so there wouldn’t be much pain. It didn’t really hurt for me so he went faster. After about 10minutes he asked me if I was okay so I told him yes and we made out again, that felt so nice with his muscleyness up against my boobs and him still feeling my body. I could tell he wanted to cum so I told him to got faster and faster until he did it. Just the, he pulled out and his cum squirted out on me. It felt nice and tasted good. We did a little oral and then went on top of him and rode him for a bit. I could see the enjoyment in his yes and he could probably tell too. It only hurt a bit maybe because we did oral before and he had fingered me previously so it didn’t bleed at all. We had sex for about an hour longer then we stopped just before I had an orgasm which was almost the best feeling ever. He pulled out of me then we kissed a while after. After that, we had sex a few more times that weekend and loads more after. I don’t regert any of it all and I’m so happy that I lost my virginity with the one person of my heart. I hope to stay with him for the rest of my life and we both have dreams of getting married and having children together. If you’re reading this and are still a virgin but want to have sex , I reccomend waiting until you you have found someone you truly love and they feel the same way too. Don’t just go throwing yourself around to any random guy because they can hurt you and you’ll regeret every being with them. Also, before having sex, go to the hospital or clinic and make sure you have a both have a test to see if you’re clean. You wouldn’t want to have sex for the first time and realise you have a STD or something. Also, please don’t have sex if you’r under 16, I know I lost mine when I was 15 but you need to have matured enough and you and your partner need to have had the talk properly as well. Thank you for reading my story and hope you will take and use advuce carefully:-)

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