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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: College dorm
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Sorority Secrets
I had gotten to be a junior at_____________ with the usual beer parties, dances and football games. I was still a virgin, because, not that guys hadn’t tried, but I never felt I was with the right one. If I had known how I was to loose my virginity, I would have picked another way.

At our sorority_______juniors were pledge trainers. I didn’t want the job, but you can’t turn down everything. Right before initiation, we had “pig night” which started with all the girls coming to dinner in their underwear and bathrobes. They discovered dog dishes on the floor, with their pledge names painted on them. They were issued dog collars and each collar also had their name on a dog tag. I told them, that they were to get down on their knees and eat the food out of the dish without using their hands. Then they were to go to the slop sink and wash their faces, but they couldn’t use their hands. There was a lot of laughing, and we videotaped the performance, standing in front of every dish while the pledge ate.

The girls were then blindfolded, and led into the bum room where their sorority mother’s were seated on chairs. They were to lie face down on their mother’s lap, still blindfolded. We had 14 pledges, and I started at the front, and paddled each girl with a ping pong paddle, the number of strokes decided by the ding points they had gotten by not doing what the actives asked. One girl, Jennifer, got 15 whacks, and later on her pledge mother told me her cheeks were pretty red. Then the actives pulled down their panties. I told them that everyone would get a fleet enema, or a water and alcohol enema at the same time. Since they all would have to go at once, this would teach them how to share. Their active made the decision. I had the choices on a service cart, fleet enemas, or the rubber douches and the bucket of hot water and bottle of vodka. All but one picked the Fleet.

Sarah’s mom put her douche entirely in the vodka. All the little anuses were greased up and the enemas inserted. I told them, on the count of three, to load the canals. “One two, three” and the enemas flowed. The empties were put in the garbage, the blindfolds were removed, and the girls were told to line up. I led them in jumping jacks, until some of them began to break away, We didn’t have 14 johns, so some of the girls had to wait, but it all worked out right.

They came back down, assembled in a line, and were led to the dining room table, where they had strawberry shortcake with the actives, and they were let go.

Friday night was a date night and I was showering in my shower, when two girls with stocking caps and eye-holes cut entered. They took my arms, and a third girl similarly covered dried me off. For some reason, our house mother was away and they led me to her room. I did a little fighting. but the third girl slapped me and bent me over the wash basin. I felt a finger go into my nether hole and soon, I was receiving an enema which had hand soap or something really irritating in it. Later I learned there was also vodka. I was placed on the toilet, and when I was finished, I was told to wipe Two girls held me in the housemother’s shower, while the third scrubbed my ass, my pussy and my breasts with laundry soap and a stiff brush. They were too strong for me. I was red all over and my colon ached. I was led into the housemother’s bedroom, my mouth and eyes covered with masking tape and I was forced down over an exercise ball on the bed. Soft cuffs were put on my wrists, and I was tied down, unable to move with my ass and pussy in the air. The girls dimmed the light, put on a lovely music station, with love songs, and left me alone with one of them as an attendant.

I don’t know how long I was there, but soon the door opened and I heard a male voice. My captor whispered to him and must have handed him a jar of goo which I later learned was an anal lube from the sex shop. He lathered it on his prick, and put a big gob up my ass. He had trouble getting in, but finally he did and after a few pumps he must have come. I could hear him washing off in the bathroom. When he left, my torturer said, “we’ve got to loosen you up. and something which felt as bid as my wrist was forced up my upper hole.

The next fellow pulled it out, pumped a few times and came. It was like that all night and I lost count of the girls dates who were invited into my ass. I guess they told the fellows this was some kind of hell week ritual. My torturer whispered in my ear, “this guy has the biggest penis in the house tonight. He’s going to fuck you in the cunt!” I started to squirm and she said “Oh don’t worry, he’ll have a rubber on.”

I smelled Old Spice and gentle hands using a warm washcloth wiped off my rear, which was probably covered with unspeakable things. I heard the noise of the condom package opening and heard the rubber rustle as it went on. He entered me easily and began a gentle rhythm. Once of his hands massaged my breast. Suddenly he moved faster and faster and then stopped. There were flashes of cameras I could see through the tape and I heard the applause of what I was to learn was the whole pledge class.

After he had gone, the girls left, My attendant released my wrists and ankles, handed me a sweat suit and left me to clean up. The shower felt wonderful, and all the rear action has washed out the soap or whatever it was. I noticed some letters on the front of my sweat suit “ITIIMA” Of course, I took it in my ass. Needless to say, I quit being pledge trainer, I have two children now, and sometimes I let leonard do me in the ass, but I have trouble keeping from laughing.

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