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closet fuck

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: school
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I have been reading everyone’s stories and want to check in with mine. It seems like they all go about the same. You both get really hot and before you know it its in and he’s pumping away in your cunt. Well same for me! I was working on homecoming with a lot of people on a Saturday. A group of us took a break and went into a classroom. Someone suggested that we pair off for a game and go into the closet for 7 minutes. Lan who was a cute swimmer said OK I’ll go with Jen which surprised me because we weren’t even going out. He was seriously cute and built so I was flattered. Two couples went in before us and everybody laughed and hooted when they were in there, expecially cuz one couple made really loud makeout noises we didnt believe, and then when they came out we all teased them about how guilty they looked. Lan and I went in and closed the door. It was dark and we shoved against the wall and started kissing. He pushed his hips against me and I felt his hardon through my sweats. He put his hand inside and fingered me and I was really wet quick. He pulled down my sweats and panties and said OK? and I knew what he meant and said OK. I stepped one leg out of my clothes and he unzipped his jeans and I grabbed his cock. I couldnt believe how big it felt. He grabbed my ass and I lifted my leg and slipped his dick up me. I was amazed it slid in and he was pounding up into me. We were making noise (real!) and he said “oh god”really loud and squirted inside me. He stopped pumping and slid out and it was dripping down me. We kissed and he said are you Ok? I was surprised at what happened but amazed at the feeling. I stepped back into my panties and sweats and felt wet and a little sore. When we were all together we opened the door and everybody clapped and said that sounded like fun! I said we’re just good actors. Need less to say we looked at each other all day and were so horny so fucked again in the parking lot in the back seat of his car. I was on the pill for my skin and I really didnt worry about getting pregnant. We went out the rest of the year and I’m happy to report our fucking lasted long than 5 minutes! He had my first orgasm when he sucked my clit (which I made him do often) and I learned to suck his dick. He went to the Univ of Florida and we drifted apart. I’ve had sex only with 2 other guys since but Lan defintely was the best, best bod best dick best tongue. He’s the guy I cum to when I masturbate, which I must go do right now! Thanks for listening.

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