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Age when it happend: 49
Where it happened: beach
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I got a divorce from my first wife when I was 45. She decided she liked a guy who had more money than I had, and so she left me for him. I was devastated. She had always been my best friend and confidant so I became rather reclusive after her betrayal. Four years later I took my first vacation since she had left me, and went by myself to New England in the early fall. I wandered around there like a lost soul. Telling myself that taking a vacation was a bad idea in the first place, I pretty much moped around for a week feeling sorry for myself.
One morning I went down to the beach for a walk. The air was neither warm or cool, the beach was damp, deserted and the sky overcast. A perfect atmosphere for a pity party. I walked a mile or so until I came to a stretch of rocky beach that was isolated and rather desolate looking. I stood at the edge of the ocean just staring at nothing. I have no idea how long I stood there, but after what seemed like an eternity, I became aware of a jogger coming toward me.
She was dressed in short running shorts and a gray hoodie. She stopped a few feet away and said good morning. I muttered something about it being morning but there was nothing good about it. She came closer and asked me what was wrong. I noticed then that she was strikingly beautiful. She was about five eight or nine, blonde, slender, and had the most arresting pale blue-gray eyes, they looked nearly silver in the morning light. I started to say that nothing was wrong, but after four years of keeping everyone at arm’s length, the sadness and sorrow just bubbled up to the surface. I blurted out my whole miserable life story to this pretty stranger.
She asked questions, listened, and put her hand on my arm when I started to tear up at the end of my tale of woe. I apologized for getting so emotional and dumping such a load of garbage on a total stranger. Then I noticed that her lovely eyes were tearing up too. She said she knew rejection as well, but from her dad, after her mother had died. She told me that she had lived a lonely life around others since then. Her dad apparently had blamed her for living when his wife had not. We walked up the empty beach and talked.
After sitting on a piece of driftwood talking until after noon, we felt like we had known each other forever. I discovered that her name was Jill, she was twenty four, and had come here to escape from the pain that was her life just as I had.
We sat on the log for quite a while, just holding hands and looking out at the sea. We both started to speak at the same time. It was one of those sweet, awkward “you go first”, “no you” things. We basically told each other that although we had just met, we felt as though we had made a connection. We talked some more, and Jill asked me if I wanted to make love.
I wanted to, but felt I would be taking advantage of her, seeing she was so much younger than me and so vulnerable. She was obviously disappointed, but said she understood. She asked if i had any qualms about her taking her clothes off and going for a skinnydip. I said no, and she pulled her hoodie off over her head. A pair of perfect young breasts bounced into my view as it cleared her chest. She slid off her bra, and then stood up and pulled her shorts down, and took her thong off as well.
If she was lovely clothed, she looked like a goddess naked. She had a light all-over tan, good muscle tone without looking like a weightlifter, and an overall slim build. Her pubic hair was a bit darker than the hair on her head, but you could tell that she was a natural blonde. She walked out into the surf slowly, and I watched her firm shapely bottom gently sway as she walked.
After a swim she came back and sat on the log next to me. Even though she was completely naked, she acted as antural as if she and I were fully clothed sitting in a public place conversing. I hesitantly asked her if she still wanted to make love. She looked at me with those big beautiful eyes and quietly said yes.
I stood up and stripped, trying not to act over-eager like a teen aged boy. Once we were both nude she stood up and put her arms around my neck, pulled me close and kissed me softly. I cupped my hand around one of those fantastic firm young breasts and gently squeezed it. I kneaded her bare bottom carefully, and kissed her more urgently. She grasped my erect penis and stroked it. We stood there naked on the deserted beach and felt and explored each other until we were ready to come together. She looked shyly up at me and asked me to take her. I gently pulled her down to the sand and slid my penis into her warm, tight vagina. The sex was slow and gentle, but at the same time urgent. We climaxed at the same time, and laid there with my organ still deep in her body and kissed and talked. After a while we went out and bathed in the cold water, came back and had sex again.
To make a long story short, we got married six months to the day after we met. As sad as I was then I am that happy now. We decided not to have kids, and have been able to spend all our free time focusing on making up to each other for all the hurt we had before we met. I have sex two or three times a day with my sexy little beach nymph as I call her. I couldn’t be happier. And we still spend alot of time walking the empty beach in the early fall.

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