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Co-ed Sleepover

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: My bestfriend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

Me and my friend were having a co-ed sleepover since her paremts were out of town. We were rebelious teenagers and liked to explore so of course we had “booze”, and guys. We were all virgins of course, but by the end of the night most of us weren’t. We were all sitting around playing truth of dare, and one of the people dared me to give this guy I had a crush on a blow job. I said yes and things just lead on from there.
At first it was slow and nice, but then it got harder and faster. He began to undo my pants and evenutally ate me out. I could feel his pointy, hard tounge inside me. It felt so good. He sucked on my 34-c tits. Then he took out his huge cock and trailed it down my stomach, then gently he shoved it into my pussy. At first I didn’t like it cause it hurt but he went nice and slow, and eventually my cherry popped. Everything felt great after that. I could hear him moaning now, I felt so good and I started screaming. A while after I was screaming my best friend walked into room, as soon as she relized what we were doing she wanted to join. If she got another guy I would had no problem with it.
She got the captain of the football team, and we had a big orgy, we fucked all night, no one even knew it either. The next morning we woke up me and my crush started going out and my friend and the captain and the football team are going out too. We still get together sometimes and have sex. It was the best experince of our lives!

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