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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well i had just turned 16 and was a little horn dog! i had been at my buddys looking at porn mags all day after getting worked up i was riding my bike home when on my street my neighbor (well call him cody) came out 2 say hi and as we were talking he noticed the mags i had in my panths and asked what they were when i showed him his eyes got huge, i asked if he wanted to see them? so he came to my house (my folks were at work)so we spread them out on the table and started looking, cody (who was 12 at the time) turned out to b a horny little kid he was so into the mags it was hot! so as about a half hour went by and i was rock hard (and had a big penis for my age) so i mentioned i had a boner and lifted my shirt up so he could see through my jeans, he didnt believe it was my real dick (he tought i put something down there) so i unziped my pants and bouncing out came my rock hard penis codys eyes got huge and he muddered oh my god and jumped back… but he couldnt take his eyes off it, so that was that he went home, then the next day he came back over and asked to see the mags again, this time a few minutes into it he asked if he could see my boner again so i showed him this time he asked what he fealt like? i said grab it and so he clutched it for a brief second and let go and said i have a boner…. so i asked if i could see it and he pulled down his little shorts and whitey tights and out came his little penis (the size of my pinky) mad me sooo hot! so again he left. then the next day he came over and my parents were home this time, as i closed the door behind me he said im horny!! so we found a big bush at the end of the street on the golf course with the middle hollowed out it was PERFECT! so we got in and he said let me see your hard dick! ( i was shoked at the mouth on this little boy) so i pulled my dick out and he grabed it, it fealt so good mt dick got hard right in his hand, i had never been with a guy but was getting real close to cody…. so at the end of that day i gave him a porno to take home … next day we went to the bush again, i asked about the porno and he said i had a biger and nicer dick then most of the guys.. i asked if he wanted to suck it? he was real stand offish but finally after staring at my dick for a minute he got on his knees held my cock and slowly put it in his mouth with his cute eyes looking up at me, after about to seconds of holding it there he yanked it out of his mouth and spit on the ground and said gros… so we just fealt each others ass for a bit then went home. A couple days went by and we anded up at my house again, this time we got fully naked andhe went straight to his knees, that little boy started sucking at my cock like he was a pro!!! i asked where hed learned that and he looked up at me with my penis in his mouth and just smiled. after words i asked if i could suck his and he was all for it hed never had a blow job, so i put my face dow at his crotch level and can still smell that fresh penis smell to this day…. i fit his dick and little balls in my mouth and just started drooling…then i made him turn around and went to town licking his pale little ass and pink fresh asshole,i could fuck him cuz i was to big, but he let me cum in his mouth then hed spill it onto his little cock, for the next year wed do everything everyday hed always end the day with my dick and cum in his mouth. i still see him every other day (and wonder if he thinks of me like i think of him) man that kid was obsesed with my penis.

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