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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: A courtyard in a bank
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

One dark and scary night, my girlfreind and i were at a concert in a local club. We decided to go to get some food. On our way we decided to visit one of our favorite make-out spots. It was probaly 45 degrees out and she was wearing a tight white shirt. we started to make out on a bench. several miniuts later i had her shirt off and was gently sucking on her tits. Slowely, but with convidence she put her hand down my pants untill she reached my cock. For several minutes she stroked my cock while i rubbed my face in her tits. without thinking, i asked her if she wanted to have sex. She thought about it and after much whining from me she finaly said yes. I was so surprised that she said yes. We decided to move to a spot where it would have been harder to see us. I started to take off her pants, as she tried to take off mine. We layed our coats down so we would’nt have to lay on the ciement. She sat down on top of me as i clumsely tried to put my cock in her Pussy. It was so cold out we were both shivering. It felt good to have another person’s bare skin aginst mine. We started to have sex, but i was so excited, that i blew my load within two minutes. We then decided that we had to get back befor our ride got there. We have ben together ever since, and contenue our sexual relationship on a regular basis. We will be married in two years and plann to have a vary happy life together. (not to mentuion lots of good fucking!!!)

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