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colebert (nickname)

Age when it happend: 11
Where it happened: church camp
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well ok,
It was the last night at church camp…we were all sitting around the camp fire..i could see someone looking at me out of the corner of my eye…I looked and i saw a camp councler named lisa looking at me in interest..She noticed i was looking at her and she looked away..Now i was 11 and she was 16 but whos to say that it was wrong…So i went and sat beside her on the log…we talked for a while..then at 9 the head councler said it was time to head back to our cabins..So lisa voulenteered to guide my group back.. We headed back to the cabin and i felt a squeeze on my butt…I looked and she was smiling..she said meet me by the pavilion at 10..i smied and said ok. So after the other boys went to sleep i walked to the pavilion..i found her there waiting for me with a shitty smile on her face..She wasted no time..She took off my shirt and pants..i undressed her and went to it. The dirty talk started to show and i saw she had a kinky side. She said cmon baby give it to me good….So i did as i was told. I told her to ride my dick and she obeyed..We went a it for about an hour then i blew on her chest. That was the last time i saw her i still talk to her on line now and then. But there it is my first time! =]

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